Part 183

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Sidharth - Good Morning baby..!!!😘😘

Shehnaaz - Good morning 😘😘..!!!

Sidharth - Now get up and get ready quickly..!!!

Shehnaaz - You had breakfast??

Sidharth - No because i m having bad headache 🤕, but it doesn't mean that you are not having breakfast..!! I already told Ankita so she'll bring your breakfast soon..!!

Make sure you grab your all essentials right now because after meeting you are directly going Airport..!!

Shehnaaz - Okay..!! 👍👍

Sidharth- Now i am going for meeting but make sure you update me every single thing..!! I already told Laura about your Delhi trip so she'll be there shortly..!!

Shehnaaz - Okay let me go and get ready..!!! I m excited because I'll be there with you in 8 hours 😍😍😍😍😍..!!!

Sidharth - 😅😅
I am also excited to take you in my embrace my love ..!!

Okay  baby i m leaving for meeting so text me when you step out  from the house..!!!

Shehnaaz - Okay Jaan, see you soon ..!!!!

It's only 8 hours but for them 8 hours is like few days🥺🥺🥺..!!! He went for an important meeting and she got ready..!!! She had breakfast and Ankita put all luggage bags in the car with the help of other staff..!!

She messaged him before stepping out from the house..!!

Shehnaaz - "Jaan, leaving for meeting. Please at least have light breakfast😘"

Smile Spread on his face because he was missing her badly and he love the way she taking care of

Sidharth - Okay My love I'll have breakfast soon..!! 😘😘

He is here in meeting but his heart is in Mumbai 💔💔..!!! She is Mumbai but her heart is in Delhi..!!!! She is not paying attention in meeting at all, her eyes glued on watch⏰ because she is waiting impatiently to get over with this meeting..!!!

By passing time his body is becoming weak in need of his drug..!!! ❤️❤️ He couldn't concentrate in meeting at all because his body needs her badly🥺..!!!

After 12 o'clock finally they headed towards Airport..!!! He texted her..!!

Sidharth - "Baby where r u ??"

Shehnaaz - "Jaan on my way to Airport"

Sidharth - okay Baby..!!! Take care of yourself, can't wait to see you..!!!!

Shehnaaz - 😘😘😘😘😘

They all reached at Airport..!!! As Sidharth's instructions Laura and Bodyguards protect her from media and other people..!..!! Kaushal, Laura and Shehnaaz all 3 did check-in for their flights and was waiting to board the flight..!!!

She is missing him as much as he is missing her..!!! Still 4 hours separation 🥺 feeling like  few days..!!! She is impatiently waiting for announcement so she can board flight..!! Tears rolled down from her eyes after announcements🥺🥺.!.!!

She texted him right away after announcements..!!

Shehnaaz - "😰😰😰"

He was in the meeting but after reading her message he came out and called her because she never sent him crying emojis..!!!🥺🥺🥺

Sidharth - What happened Naaz ?? R u alright?? And why you crying ??

Shehnaaz - 😰😰
Because flight is delay for 1 hour 😰😰😰..!!!

Sidharth - What ??? 🥺🥺🥺
Where is Kaushal ?? And from which flight you are flying ??

Shehnaaz - He is right here ..!! 😰😰 
Now I won't be with you at 4 o'clock 🥺..!!

Sidharth - Naaz please stop crying baby🥺 ..!!

He called Kaushal from his other phone..!! Kaushal Answered his call right away.!!!

Kaushal  - Hello Dr.Sidharth.!!!

Sidharth - What the fu*k is this ??  How you can book ordinary flight for her ?? She suppose to travel from Private flight or charter flight 😡😡😡..!!!

She was listening to him..!! Few seconds ago he was calming her and now he is boiling in anger..!!😡 she stopped crying after hearing his angry voice..!

Kaushal - But Dr.Sidharth charter plane wasn't necessary because we don't have any emergency..!! And i booked businesses class for her..!!

Sidharth - Wait 😡😡😡..!! Now you will decide what's necessary and what not ?? If you don't know how i travel then call my manager, he'll teach you 😡 how to do arrangements..!!!

She will  only travel in Charter flights or private jet..!!!😡 And don't try to figure out what's necessary for her what not ..!!! I am here to decide her necessities 😡..!!

Kaushal - Sorry Dr.Sidharth ..!! I didn't mean t...!! ( he cut him off between)

Sidharth - You have 45 minutes, 😡 do whatever you want to do but i want her to board the flight in 45 minutes..!!

Kaushal - Okay, Dr.Sidharth i'll try..!!

Sidharth - Call my manager right now and figure it out as soon as possible..!! 😡😡

He disconnect call before Kaushal speak anything..!!! Shehnaaz was listening his conversation with Kaushal and she found out how badly he is angry..!!! She is Sad because she won't be with him soon and he is Angry because he've to wait one hour extra to have her in his embrace...!!🥺🥺

Shehnaaz - (softly to soothe his Anger) Jaan..!!!❤️ please relax 🥺

He was not angry but he was irritated🥺..!!! His body cells, veins and muscles everything became weak and that's why his mind getting effected..!!! His body badly need his drug before he end up losing his mind 🥺🥺..!!

Shehnaaz - (again softly) Jaannn..!!!!😘😘
I'll be there with you shortly so please don't spoil your mood..!! I don't want to see your angry face 🥺..!! I want to see my Jaan's smiling face😘..!!

Sidharth - Hmmm..!

Shehnaaz - Please have lunch..!!!🥺😘 because u hadn..(he cut her in between)

Sidharth - I am fu*king irritate now 🥺..!!!! I don't want anything except you..!!!
Now i have to wait one hour more 😡..!!!

Shehnaaz - Jaan..!!! 😘😘
I am coming naa ?? So why you spoiling your mood ?? It's only matter of 1 hour 🥺..!!

So tell me how's your headache 🤕 now ???

She is tying to calm him down because she never seen him this much irritated before..!!! She wants to take him in her arms and love him so she can take his irritation away🥺..!!!

For her  1 hours is a-lot without him too but she has to take care her small kid who is crying for her...!!!😘

Sidharth - i am going back in meeting, update me every single thing and have lunch on time okay..!!

Shehnaaz - If you'll have lunch then i'll have it..!! If you don't then I won't have lunch either 😘..!!

Sidharth - Okay i'll have it after meeting Naaz, please have lunch on time my Love..!!

Finally he is calm now..!! She calmed her baby with her talk..!!! Only she knows how to calm him down with immense love ❤️..!!!


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