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Chapter 4

Two days later, Padme walked back into the hospital, not for any medical reason, only to see Anakin. She peeked around the corner of his room, and saw that he was much the same as he was when she left him. The droids had told her he had slept or had been sedated most of the time to promote and increase the healing process. They told her his burns were healing nicely, and there may not be many deep scars. His face was now uncovered, except for his eyes, and the burns there were improving rapidly with the bacta treatment. He was now off of the breathing machine for an hour at a time, but would be hooked back up at intervals during the day and all night. They thought he still may need lung surgery when he was stronger. She sat down next to his bed and spoke his name. "Anakin, I'm here."

"Padme!" He said, speaking rather normally. "I was hoping you'd come back."
"Do you really think think would desert you?" "Who wants a blind, crippled husband who can't breathe? I'm a burden to you now. I'm sorry."
"Anakin don't talk like that. You're going to get better, it will just take time."
"What if I don't?"
"Then I will love you and take care of you anyway."
"I don't want your pity. I don't want to hold you down more than a child."
"Anakin, I am hurt you would think that of me. If it were me lying here, you wouldn't feel that way about me, would you?"
"Of course not."
"And I don't feel that way about you. I LOVE you." She bent to kiss his lips. He smiled and tried to returned the kiss. She sat back down as he struggled to sit up.
"I bet I'm so ugly now, all these burns, and look what they've done to my hair!"
"The burns are healing well, your hair's not that bad." She smoothed back his short strands. "It's going to grow back, you know, you were very lucky that the fire didn't spread all over your head, or the roots would have been scarred and destroyed. It's only burned and cut, you haven't lost it. Your curls will be back in no time." He put his head down, saying something he had been fearing and avoiding.
"Haven't lost it, like I lost my eyes." He said, his head down. "You know Padme, I am not going to be able to see again. They want to ship me to a rehab center for the blind as soon as my limbs are healed."
"Did they tell you that?"
"They haven't the courage to tell me. I heard them talking. Once I am sent there, I want to stay there, with other blind beings. I don't want to burden you having to take care of me, I won't have it. You need to know that right now." Padme grabbed his replaced mechanical hand and used her other hand to gently turn his chin toward her.
"No more talk like that. You are going to see again and that's final. And, even if you don't, you are still coming home with me and our children. I love you, and I want you."
"You mean it, Padme?"
"Of course I do!"
"I'm sorry, Padme, about all of this. I deserve this, you know."
"What? How can you say that?"
"I deserve to be blind, to live out my life in the dark. I turned to the dark side, I caused darkness to happen to others, I hate myself. The wounds I have suffered are my punishment. I deserve it and I accept the sentence I have been given. I will never again live a normal life or enjoy anything and that is what I get. I am guilty and this is my sentence."
"Anakin, no more of this talk! Obiwan told me what happened, you were consumed and possessed by evil, by a man who fooled us all, especially me! But it wasn't you who committed those acts, it was the dark side! You have beaten that, and you must beat this too. You will get stronger and all your wounds will heal and you will come home to me as good as new to help me raise our babies!"

"Do you really want a blind guy watching your kids? I might let them fall off the veranda or something." Padme couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh, Anakin, I love you. It's going to be okay, really."
"It makes me feel better to know you don't think I'm a terrible guy. What about Obiwan?"
"He feels exactly the same way I do, you should sense that. He's back on Coruscant, helping Yoda get the Temple back in order. There is a provisional government. You and I are going to be needed for important things."
"You, not me, I am useless now.""Anakin I am going to walk out of here right now if you don't stop."
"And you know I won't be able to follow you."
"I didn't mean that. Anakin Skywalker, I LOVE you. Never forget that."
She kissed him again. This time he reached up and held the back of her head in his hand as he kissed her back. He felt her hair, and brought his hand around to her face, gently running his fingers over her skin. "You still taste delicious. I wish I could see you. I'll never forget your beautiful face, Padme, it's burned into my memory, though I won't get to see it again with my eyes, I still have it saved in here." He pointed to his head. She was about to cry.

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