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Chapter 29

Before Padme was ready to face her parent's house, packages were delivered to the door. Government servants had wasted no time in clearing out all her personal belongings. The furniture had not yet been transported, but was supposed to be shipped later. It upset her they wouldn't even allow her to go through her own things. Sola allowed it all to be stored in her basement until Padme decided where she was going to live. She cried as she looked through it all, especially the babies' things, knowing she could never go back to her penthouse again. She knew there had to be some penalty for what had occured, and it could have been worse, but surely everyone on Naboo knew her well enough not to hold it against her. There were always those who relished in a scandal and the downfall of others, they must be the ones that Queen Apailana was concerned about. She wanted a representative with a spotless reputation, and Padme no longer had one. Neither did Jar Jar. Padme did have to consider who on Naboo did, after the recent Gerapaline revelations. It seemed half the business and officials were in some way tied to him or one of his cronies.

She also wondered about Bail Organa, and if his career would survive the botched adoption. His wife was the Queen of Alderaan so she'd make exceptions for him, but what would the people say? Would it really be right for his political career to survive and not hers? Just as she thought that, a story came on the holovid news in Sola's house. It seems that Organa had planned to run for Chancellor, but was stepping down amid clamor about his possible involvement with Gerapaline. Though he didn't do it intentionally, as Padme didn't, a scandal was enough to ruin your name. Organa would keep his Senate position, but not be able to seek higher office in the Galactic Republic.

"What a shame and a loss it is." Sola commented. "You and he were two of the best, most honest and truly caring people the government ever had."

Padme looked away sadly. She knew it was true, though found herself feeling guilty over being glad he didn't get off completely unscathed. "I'm sure others have done much worse, they just haven't been caught yet. I'm starting to agree with Anakin, I don't trust most politicians, either. Too much temptation for corruption. And all I tried to do was stop corruption...look what happened to me..."

The news did say that Mon Mothma was going to run for Chancellor, and that made her feel better. The Republic would be in good and capable hands with her in charge. Padme would vote for her, but felt that campaigning might taint Mothma's reputation with her now disgraced name, so she had better stay completely out of the political arena, as sad as that made her.

On Coruscant, Anakin had promised Obiwan to face the temple regions in the morning, after he had rested and meditated. He awoke to the sound of sirens and fire planes. Running to look out a window, he stared across the city skyline and saw smoke pouring from the top of Padme's apartment building! He went outside, kept running and got closer, where a crowd had gathered to watch.

"What happened?" He asked a passing firefighter.

"It was Senator Amidala's penthouse apartment! A drunk speeder driver went out of control and crashed through the skylight, just before dawn. Hit nose first into the bed and exploded on impact. Good think no one was home, anyone in that bed would surely have been killed."

Anakin's heart jumped, and he felt a strange bubble in the force. Staring up at the devastation, smoke billowing high out of the skylight, he recalled how he had often joked Padme that something like that might happen, and now it had. He was shaken to the core by the irony that their eviction had been for the best after all, it had literally come just in time to save their lives! Either way, it was lost forever, they would never look through the skylight again, never gaze at the city through the windows or off the veranda, but now, at least they were all four alive! The fire damage was extensive. The penthouse apartment could not be saved. By the time the flames and smoke had cleared, only a charred outline was seen in the spot where it had once graced the skyline. Anakin stared at it for awhile longer, memories filling his mind, tears filling his eyes. Then he turned away. Part of the past was gone, but there might be something better found to take its place.

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