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Chapter 27

The Organa's private ship courteously returned them to Coruscant, the pilot dropping off Obiwan to the temple, and the Skywalkers to their penthouse. Coming inside, Anakin and Padme turned on the lights and looked at the house as a home, not just a residence. Their daughter was back, with no more fear of her being taken from them. They knew they needed their son to complete the family, and they would rest and start out again the next day. Padme held very tight to Leia, who had not cried all the way home through many miles and hyperspace. "Anakin, look at her, she's so perfect."

"Of course she is, she looks just like her mother."

They spent the whole night cuddling and loving and being so grateful for what they had, considering all they'd been through. They stared up at the skylight, with Leia between them. Her little eyes were open, and she seemed to be cooeing at the scene. "Look, Leia, isn't it pretty?" Padme pointed, and Leia seemed to chortle back an answer. They were so happy, and so safe at this moment. It felt good.

The next morning, before they were out of bed, Anakin got a message beep on his communicator. It was the med center, they wanted to see him immediately. "Oh dear, what could be wrong?" Padme worried, her face in a frown.

"It's about me, not you, so just stay here with the baby. I'll be all right."

"Maybe you should take Obiwan?" :

"If I need him, I'll call for him through telepathy. He's usually in his mediatation this time of the morning." Anakin cautiously went to see the droids who had sent for him, wondering what it was about. You wanted to see me, what is wrong?"

The droid told him to sit down, and take off his boots and pull up his pants. "It is time to see if your knee has healed sufficiently. You have ignored most of your recent therapy sessioms."

"I've been busy." That was an understatement!

The droid took off the brace and asked Anakin to step down on it. He felt for the strength of his ligaments, and then had him run on a treadmill device. All examinations showed his knee to be practically as good as new. "You will not be needing it anymore, you may go now, and not return unless you are injured again. You are a free, healthy young man."

Anakin was extremely happy. He was pronounced back to normal, after all he had been through. It was incredible. As he had lay blind, burned,having severe breathing problems, crippled, in such pain, he was sure he'd never live a normal life again, yet here he was, good as new physically. "Mind if I give it a try while I'm here with you?" He asked. The droid didn't know what he had in mind. He went out into the hallway, ran, then flew through the air in a double twist Jedi move and flipped back down onto his feet for a safe landing. So struggle, no pain. "Whoopee!" Anakin said without thinking how it sounded. "I'm me again! It feels so good!" His moves were completely back. He was very content and excited. Thanking the droid again, he quickly returned home.

When he got back, Padme was standing there with a worried look on her face. "What was wrong?" She timidly asked, fearing bad news.

"Get that look off your face, I'm fine! They only wanted to take off my knee brace, for good! I'm all better, Padme!" She squealed happily as he pulled her in mock dance moves around the apartment.They stood on the veranda for a moment, reflecting. "It's so hard to believe, how broken up my body was, I got it back, I got it all back" He held out his arms and looked up at the sky."You're healthy, too, and Obiwan. We are truly graced by the force. I feel very fortunate."

He knew that they still had emotional scars that would never totally heal, and problems that would not completely go away, but the fact that they were cured and relatively safe after their ordeals lightened his heart. More tasks did lie ahead, there was the issue of Padme's job, his place in the Jedi Order, dealing with the tragedies that had befallen them, and of course, the one at hand- gettng Luke back! While they were still watching the sky, Obiwan pulled up in a borrowed craft and told them to get in for Tatooine.

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