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Chapter 25

Anakin and Obiwan brought Padme to her bed and gently helped her down into it. While they were not followed, they were still careful of bugs and spycams. Obiwan shut the windows and drapes. "I'm going to go get the vids, Anakin, then I'll come right back here."

"Be careful, Obiwan. Someone may be following you."

"I will."

After he was gone, Anakin lay down next to Padme and tried to cuddle her. She was not responsive. "Back in your own bed, safe and sound."

"I never thought I would be."

"What's wrong, don't you love me anymore?"

"I have been through a lot."

"I know. does that have something to do with the way you feel about me?"

"I can't tell you now."

He whispered in her ear in case the room was being bugged. "Padme, are you faking, like I was?"


"Shhh. Yes, Padme, I know you saw me at the med center. You aren't a good faker."

"You think that's what I'm doing?"

"Yes, I do. Look, I won't tell anybody. I did it too, who am I to judge? If you want to continue to feign blindness to make them go easier on you, go ahead, but please, don't make me lead you around and cut up your food, okay?"

She was at first a bit sore, but soon smiled. "Yes, Anakin, that's exactly what I did, I admit it. I am a dirty, lying, faker just like you."

"You mean you can see okay again?"

"Yeah. That's why I didn't want him to put the bandages back on!"

He laughed. "I knew it!"

"You're not angry?"

"How could I be? I'm just so happy you're okay." She guilty seeing how much more forgiving he was. He smiled at her, their eyes meeting in a loving way for the first time since before Mustafar. They were both so happy in the moment, they didn't even want to discuss any of the other problems. He grabbed her and they rolled over and over in the bed, laughing. They ended up flat on their backs, staring up at the sky. It was still daylight, and it was beautiful and blue, with flashes of light reflecting off passing vehicles. "I love you." He told her. "It's so good to have you back."

"But for how long?" She turned away again, sad.

He was a bit upset she didn't tell him she loved him back, but didn't mention it. "Don't worry, Obiwan and I are going to get you out of this."

"How?" He didn't know if he should tell her.

Padme, there's something you need to know. Obiwan and I were reviewing the holovids from the banks you robbed." She looked sad and turned away. "You wanted to see me doing all that bad stuff?"

"No, we were trying to find a way to help, and we did!"

"You did?"

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