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Chapter 6

The next morning, Anakin slept until almost noon. Finally, Obiwan roused him. "Get up, Anakin, it's visiting hour at the med center."

He rubbed his head and groaned. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't see when it's light outside anymore so I overslept." He sat up, almost frantic, yelling "PADME! Is she all right?"

"Of course she is, I have spoken with her this morning, she wants to see you."

"And the babies?"

"Fine, Anakin, they're all fine. It's all right, the nightmare is gone!" Anakin felt so good, he didn't know what to say.

They went to visit Padme and the babies, and every day for the next 3 days they remained in the med center. They took extra care with twins, though they were healthy in every way. Anakin wanted nothing but the best for his children, and his wife! Then came the happy day when they were brought home. Padme's entire family traveled from Naboo to visit them, and Obiwan was there to help. It was such a happy time, only hampered by Anakin not being able to see, but Obiwan sent him as many images as he could so he could really know what they looked like. He stayed out of the way and let Padme have her time with her family, they were so in love with the twins! Luke, and Leia, Padme had chosen the names herself. Every night before they went to bed, Anakin would hold the babies tightly in his arms, caressing their little cheeks and letting them squeeze his fingers with their little fists. They were so small and so alive, they brought him more life, too. At night he loved to cuddle next to Padme and listen to the babies' breathing nearby. They were all fine, nothing had gone wrong. He couldn't believe it. He felt very much at peace.

Finally, the excitement faded and Padme's family went home. It was just the little family and occasionally the droids, or Obiwan. Anakin, in all the rush and celebrating, had almost forgotten that the medical droids had told him to return in 10 days to have his eyes checked again. He didn't want to go, because he knew this was the final chance. They said if there was no change this time, they would discontinue treatment and give up all hope of his sight ever returning. He didn't want to let go of that last shred of hope, but he knew waiting wasn't changing anything.

"Padme, will you be okay if I go down to the med center today?"

"What for?"

"Did you forget, the time is up, you know, for my eyes. I need to go."

"Oh Anakin, I almost forgot. I've been so busy. I'm sorry."

"Don't you be sorry for anything, you just take care of yourself and the babies." He kissed her and rubbed his hands softly up and down her body. Since he'd been blind for so long, two months now, he was becoming very sensitive to feeling her every curve with his good hand.

Obiwan arrived to take him to the med center. Anakin was so anxious on the way, he could feel his blood pounding in the veins of his flesh arm. It became more tense as Obiwan led him to the specialist who had treated him. He sat down and waited. "Are you ready, Master Skywalker?" The droid asked. Anakin took a deep breath. His lungs were working fine, he was now free of all breathing assistance; he would just have to be careful of infections. His heart pounded again as the droid slowly removed the bandages from his eyes. He thought he noticed an immediate difference as a bright light spilled in. There was no question, this was a big improvement, unless he was just imagining it, Was it real? With much fear, he cracked his eyelids and opened his eyes.

"Well, Anakin, can you see?" Obiwan asked from across the room. At first there was no answer. Obiwan studied Anakin's face. It appeared to be stunned, but gave away no positive or negative emotion. He looked into Anakin's eyes. All the cloudy scarring was gone, his corneas were transparent again, clear and smooth and perfectly shaped. His eyes looked like they always had before they were burned. But they did not move, and Anakin did not speak. "Anakin, can you see anything? Anakin?"

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