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Chapter 26

Anakin and Padme were very nervous about how they were going to confront Organa about Leia. They didn't just want to come right out and say it, but the longer they waited, the more the Organas became attached to her, the worse it was going to be. Anakin put on his traditional dark Jedi gear, and Padme wore one of her best velvet dresses, aquamarine with teal green designs. She tried to fix her hair into one of her famous intricate styles, but thanks to the droids cutting off the tangles it was no longer long enough. She sighed as she stuffed it into a small bun and added one of her golden headpieces. She turned to Anakin, who had been watching her the whole time. "How do I look?"

He cracked a smile. "You don't have to ever ask me that, you know I think you're beautiful." He walked over and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Always? Even the way you found me at Gerapaline's?"

"I don't want to think about that, there are a lot things I can't make myself think about right now. There is so much it bothers me to think about." He turned his back and gazed out the window.

She walked up and put her hand on his shoulder, turning him back around. "I know, but it's not doing us any good not to face things."

"I just can't deal with it all, if I have to, I will, otherwise, please don't mention...certain things. Don't you understand that now, after your own experiences?"

She looked up at him, rubbing her hand against his chest. "Yes, I guess I do. But what we have to do today is going to be very hard, but we must do it, for Leia."

Obiwan, who had gone back to the temple, returned to get them. "We had best go now, I have an audience with Senator Organa on Jedi business. We will have our time to talk to him, try to work this out." He motioned for them to get into a waiting speeder, and they glanced nervously one more time at each other before getting in.

"This is it." Padme mumbled under her breath as she watched the familiar but now ominus Senate building come closer and closer. They landed and went inside, together. Obiwan got out first, followed by Anakin and Padme. She wrapped her arm tightly around his, just like she had done to lead him when he was blind. Then she released it. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that, you won't need me to guide you anymore."

He reached for and put her arm right back where it was. "I don't need you to lead me around, and I don't need to lead you around, but that doesn't mean we still can't hang onto each other. I will always need your loving touch and companionship. I will always need you to show me the way and help guide me through the perils of life."

"Then love has blinded you?" She made the joking reference. They laughed, latched their arms tighter than ever, and stared and smiled warm and lovingly into each other's faces as they walked ahead to the challenge that awaited.

"Maybe we shouldn't, though," she started to say, "what if.."

"Padme, after all that's happened, I don't think there's a person on Coruscant who doesn't know about 'us.' It doesn't matter anymore." He squeezed her even closer to him. It felt so good to be able to do that out in the open, in plain view of everyone, without fear, without hiding behind pillars and lying. "Let's go get our daughter back." Obiwan smiled warmly as he watched them walk arm in arm beside him all the way down the hall. It was about time.

This was it. Obiwan entered first, and Senator Organa and his aide rose to greet him. Organa's smile disappeared when he saw Obiwan was not alone. "Master Kenobi, my meeting was with you. Why are these people here?"

"They have important business with you as well, Senator. Business I fear can no longer wait."

Organa glared first at Padme, then at Anakin, as if trying to intimidate them. "You both have been quite busy of late, haven't you? I want you to know, there is much on you both, you should be grateful you both have your lives, your health and your freedom. I wouldn't ask for more." He folded his arms, continuing to stare them both down. Padme and Anakin looked at each other, then at Obiwan, then back at Organa.

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