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Chapter 11

Padme tuned in her holocam to speak with her mother. She knew her family had been asking about when they could visit with the twins again, so she didn't feel as if she was imposing by asking them to take the babies for a week until she could get some things settled. "What's wrong, love?" Her mother asked. "Is Anakin all right?"

"Anakin is just fine, mother."

"What about his eyes?"

"Anakin's eyesight has completely returned to normal."

"I'm glad to hear that. Is there some other problem?"

"I'll tell you all about it later. Will you be coming here or shall I bring them to you?"

"We'll be there sometime tommorrow." Her father promised. "Thank you both, I love you."

"It's more than our pleasure, dear, we're looking forward to it. See you soon . Love you."

"Love you too." The hologram blinked out. Padme went to gather all the things the twins would need and start packing them up. Looking down at her snippet necklace Anakin had given her, she took it off and started to cry. She really didn't know what she should do.

Out in the city, Anakin wandered lonely, having no idea what to do, either. He really had nowhere to go, no family or friends besides Padme and the babies and Obiwan, no currency, no transportation. He realized he had been wrong, but couldn't believe Padme's cruel reaction to him. He knew it was wrong, was it that one wrong that had brought out all the others to her? Was she really thinking them all the time? If she was, that was a deeper hurt than the one he already had. He had told her and Obiwan over and over how sick and upset he was at everything that had happened. While he was a pitiful injured blind boy they were kind and understanding, but now that he was physically whole again, how could their forgiveness make a difference? If he had not been hurt, but had repented and turned back the same as he did, what would they have done? He also realized he was wrong to put on the charade, but his fear had gotten the best of him. It always did. It was fear that led him to Palpatine's trap in the first place. That was what led to Mustafar, and his injuries. The injuries had led to his new fear of everything, and that had led him here. And he was still afraid.

Inside the temple, Yoda felt Anakin's pain through the force. Obiwan had returned, and he went to speak with Yoda. "Confused, young Skywalker is. In pain, he is. Know you where is he?"

"No, Master Yoda. What is it you sense?"

"Sadness and pain, I see."

"What kind of pain, is he hurt?"

"Know I do not. But two kinds of pain there are, Obiwan. Remember this most people do not. Crippling is fear and inner distress. Clouded and burdened by this young Skywalker is.Bring him to me you must."

"He will not go back here, he has made that very clear."

"Then make him you must."

"I will have to fight him first, I don't want to have to fight him if he's blind. Yoda, is he blind? Padme and I have suspected he may be healed and continuing to feign blindness to his own advantage."

"Darkness I do not sense in his physcial being, only his inner being shrouded in darkness remains."

"Then Anakin can see?"

"See the light he must, not only with his eyes. Go to him you must. Very important it is. Remember, two kinds of darkness, two kinds of pain there are." Obiwan felt this was very profound. He nodded in respect and awe of Yoda, and left the temple to find Anakin. His brother needed help, and he was coming.

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