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Chapter 15

Anakin woke up for yet another morning in the Jedi temple. He got up and started packing his things. He had made up his mind, it was time to go. He would never belong here again, he couldn't face what had happened because of him. He wasn't blind or injured anymore. He still wore the knee brace and would until it was totally strong again, but he had his freedom back to walk away and do what he pleased with his life. It was the only way he could move on. He'd have to bury his past here and start anew. Hearing him awake and about, Obiwan entered the room. "Anakin, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm leaving, Obiwan. There's nothing for me here now. I am not a part of the Jedi, I have no wife and children who love me. I have no friends. I'm all better now, it's time for me to move on."

"Where will you go? You weren't serious about going back to Tatooine and becoming a gambler."

"If it works."

"Anakin, please, think about this."

"I have, Obiwan, all night, for many sleepless nights. This place haunts me. The temple, the entire city. I have to go."

Obiwan saw his mind was made up and sighed heavily. "I will certainly miss you. You were like my brother. I love you."

Anakin was touched. "You still do care about me, don't you? I appreciate it. No one else does." Anakin turned his face back into his packed goods. Obiwan could see his heart was broken and that he was still suffering from the emotional scars of his rampage under Palpatine's domination, as well as his breakup with Padme.

"Anakin, please don't go lose yourself out there, you have to stay in contact with me."

"I will catch up with you from time to time but I don't want to keep in constant contact. I must start a new life." Obiwan was sad, too. He had been with Anakin so long. "I will miss you, my brother."

"You have Tal, he will be your new brother."

"Nothing can ever replace you, Anakin."

"You are a good person, Obiwan. I'll give you this much, you tried. I, uh, love...you too." They gave each other brief smiles and looks. It was uncomfortable for them to admit this attachment to other, but it was there. They were like family, closer than most brothers, they had been together through so much for so long. Being apart was going to hurt them both, but Anakin's mind was made up.

"Don't you want your lightsaber? You might need it "

"Those are for Jedi." Anakin shook his head sadly."You know, Obiwan,the worst part is I can't help thinking how it was all for nothing. I sacrificed everything and did the wrong thing to save Padme, yet I lost her anyway because of what I did to try to save her. Ironic, isn't it?" Obiwan knew this to be true, but made no comment.

Obiwan went of course to consult Yoda, but the ancient master only closed his eyes and lowered his head, declaring Anakin must choose his own path.He was able to see and walk now, and could no longer be held against his will. Yoda felt that he must be free to go, but that his path was going to lead him back. Obiwan hoped that was true. He went to the back door to say goodbye to Anakin. "Well, this is it." Anakin said with a heavy sigh, looking around. "I'm gone."

"How will you get about? Shall I ask Master Yoda if you can have your old starfighter back?"

"No, I shouldn't be using a Jedi vehicle. Besides, I don't think I can fly again, after that night.."

"Anakin, are you also traumatized of flying? You loved to fly!"

"Not anymore, I changed my mind. I can't deal with it. I'm going to catch a transport to Tatooine. From there, if I can't afford a speeder, I can use an animal and get around on its back."

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