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Chapter 20

Anakin tried to flee as fast as he could. He wondered how the local authorities could not have found and raided that compound. Surely they must be paid off. Corruption of the rankest kind infested this planet, and who knows how many others in the galaxy. So much has deteriorated while time and energy was wasted on a play pretend war! Something must be done, once this is over, to straighten it out. Padme would know what to do. Because of all the corruption, he didn't trust anyone on the planet with what he knew. The lives of Padme and Obiwan were too precious to risk, the situation with Gerapaline too volatile.A tear dripped from one eye as he thought of Padme and Obiwan, blind and captured, and in so much danger. He had sensed they would not be killed, at least not yet for Gerapaline would use them as bait. He hoped he'd be able to get them to the Coruscant med center before their eyes were too far gone to be saved. He remembered his own blindness, and how awful they must be suffering right now. Looking down at Luke, he was energized to go on.. He had to be strong, it all depended on him now. Luke gazed up at his father, cooeing and chortling. He was calmed by the force, and by the love of his father. Anakin hadn't seen him in weeks and could tell he had grown a lot. His face was cuter than it had been before. Then he thought of Leia. Where was she? If she was sold, surely it was to someone who wanted her, and someone with enough money to pay off Gerapaline's cronies, so she must be safe. Just the same, he had to find her and bring her back to her real family, he loved her, he wanted her. It was the right thing. He couldn't bear the thought of having a child lost somewhere in the galaxy, separated from him. He didn't want to miss out on her life. He had to find her.It would be so easy to give up and hide, but he had learned his lesson, that wasn't going to help anything. He had to be strong, it all depended on him now.

Anakin didn't know what to do with Luke to keep him safe. He had no family alive, Padme's parents were gone, her sister was surely being watched. He thought of taking him to the temple, but what could Tal and Yoda do? Then he remembered his mother's new husband on Tatooine, and his son and his girlfriend who was now his wife. That place again, he hated it, he wasn't being honest when he said he changed his mind. He heaved a heavy sigh and headed in the direction of Tatooine. It was terrible to have to see that place again, the place where he had buried his mother after finding her tortured and killed by the sand people. Her grave was there as he got out of the ship."You're a grandma." He told her, through the force in his mind, hoping somehow she'd know. He walked over to the grave and held Luke over it. "This was your Grandmother, Luke. Her name was Shmi and she was a very good person. I want you to know about her."

When he turned from the grave, he saw Owen and Beru standing there. "What are you doing here?" Owen complained. "You are nothing but trouble. Leave our peaceful lives alone."

Beru's eyes lit up as she gazed at Luke. "Is this your baby?" She asked.

"Yes, mine and Padme's. We had twins, a boy and a girl. The girl has been stolen. I must find a safe place for the boy while we find her."

"Oh no, not here, we don't need anyone coming around here asking questions. Next thing you know we'll be blaster fried!" Owen grouched.

Beru was saddened. "It's just a baby, Owen." He turned his eyes away from her. He didn't want to see that look. Since they had been married, they had hoped for a baby, but none had come. A doctor had told them they were unable to have their own, and Beru had been begging him to adopt a child. He wasn't ready to do that. "Can't he stay with us a little while?"

"If you promise not to get attached. He will be going home soon."

"I will do my best." She pleaded. Anakin also hoped she didn't get too attached. He didn't need any more trouble keeping his children, Leia had already been sold to someone. Anakin stood and scanned the entire area. What an ugly, ugly place this planet was, this moisture farm particularly. How sad it would be if Luke had to grow up here, and what unpleasant tasks he'd have to perform. They'd make him little more than a slave like he had been. He kissed Luke goodbye, promising to return soon.

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