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Chapter 8

Anakin was displeased with Obiwan's attitutude."I am not up to meditating, and you can't make me. My will and strength in the force is strong and you cannot penetrate it without my cooperation. Can't you just leave me alone, can't you see I've been through enough?"

"Anakin, how long are you going to play the pity card?"

Anakin turned to face him but wouldn't meet his eyes. "As long as it takes." There was a deep silence as Obiwan tried to look directly into Anakin's eyes, but he closed them.

"Wait, Obiwan, listen, the babies are waking up!" Anakin was momentarily spared an unwanted confrontation. He made it look as good as he could walking with his hands out, pretending to have a hard time finding where the door was. Obiwan followed him as far as the doorway and stood watching. Anakin stood over them, 'feeling' for them, and patting their stomachs. "I have to feed the babies again, when they're this young, their bellies can't hold much so they eat every few hours."

"Let me help you, Anakin." Obiwan entered the room and carried them out to the sofa. "I think they need a change of diaper, do you need any help?"

"Yes, Obiwan, I do, thank you for offering." Anakin laughed inside. He brought warmed bottles for their feeding, and leaned down and carefully placed Leia in Anakin's arms. Anakin stared at the opposite wall as he closed his hands safely around his daughter. Obiwan stared at Anakin, for a moment wondering what was going on. He handed Anakin a bottle, holding it right in front of him. Anakin was too smart to reach for it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, here's the bottle, Anakin." Anakin played it good pretending not to be able to find it until Obiwan placed it directly in his hand where he could 'feel' it. Anakin's acting improved as he aimed the bottle's nipple away from Leia's mouth at first, letting a tiny bit of milk drip onto her pajamas, then finally used one hand to lead the other to the tiny rosebud mouth. Obiwan watched this display with much pity for Anakin, letting go of his momentary suspicions, yet still sensing something wasn't quite right. He sat down beside him and fed Luke. They burped the babies, then replaced them in their bed. Obiwan waved his hand over the babies, using the force to settle them calmly. They cooed awhile, then fell back to sleep. Obiwan returned to the sofa where Anakin was still sitting.

"Thank you, Obiwan. You've bonded with the babies very nicely. Padme and I are honored you will be a part of their lives." An innocent grin covered Anakin's face, but Obiwan strained to see through it, both with his eyes and his force sensitivity. While Anakin was relaxed, he tried to probe his mind. All he was able to discern was that the darkness had been lifted from his mind, the darkness that had been there while Anakin's eyes had been scarred and clouded. Now that they were healthy again, the light in his life force was the same as it had been before he was ever went blind. What did this mean, Obiwan considered. Light and images were reaching his brain, so why didn't his mind perceive that?

Obiwan realized that if he were to search Anakin's feelings, he couldn't warn him first, or he'd put his guard up. He was strong in the force as well, and his mind was very strong. He had done well at blocking out whatever his true feelings were ever since returning from the Coruscant medical center. Obiwan tried to think of a way to remove the psychological block that he assumed was causing Anakin's blindness. "I'm going now, Anakin. Back to the temple. When Padme is home to take care of the babies, or makes other arrangements for their care, I will be back for you. I will help you, but you have to want it."

"I don't need your help, Obiwan. Forget it, I'm not going back to the temple, I'm not talking to Yoda, I'm not meditating with you."

"Anakin, don't you want to see? I can't believe you don't want to try."

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