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Chapter 28

In the night, Padme screamed out. Her body contorted in the bed, she was thrashing about and sweating. Anakin awoke and tried to calm her, calling out her name over and over until she woke up. "Was it a nightmare? I know a lot about those..."

She shook herself back to reality, the images still fresh in her head, the feeling they brought still climbing up her spine in cold shivers. "It was awful, it was about my Mother, I saw it all again, I felt so helpless, so hurt, and so angry..." She was breathing heavily as Anakin held her close.

"I know how you feel. You have been through some terrible experiences, and you will never be the same. You can't expect to just forget about it! Some who don't understand will tell you to 'snap out of it' or 'get over it' but it's not that easy, is it? It becomes a part of you."

She hugged him back, very tightly. "Yes, yes, that is how it feels! I am so sorry I wasn't more understanding of you. Now this is what I get."

"Oh, hush, please don't do that to yourself. It does no good."

"I am sorry, Anakin, I love you."

"It's all right." He could feel her heart pounding against his chest as they held each other close and eventually fell back to sleep. She knew, as he had found out, that emotional scars can be as deep and as hurtful as physical ones, and a lot harder to heal.

They were still lying face to face in each other's arms as dawn broke. They were all so tired, the light awoke no one, not even the babies. A few hours later, they were still asleep, when they were awakened by someone on the veranda..Anakin heard it first and sat straight up. He got a feeling of dread, he knew it wasn't Obiwan because he didn't sense him, and he did sense something unfriendly. With much concern and uneasiness, he dressed and went to opened the drapes, There stood two representatives from the Naboo government." Reluctantly, Anakin opened the sliding glass door panels. "We must speak with Senator Amidala."

"She is asleep."

"Asleep at this hour?"

"She's not been well."

"She will come to speak with us immediately." Anakin gave them a dirty look and went to tell Padme. She was of course very worried and upset.

"I knew it" she cried. "They're going to take me away, lock me up."

"Don't say that, wait and see."

"I know it's not good news." Anakin knew it, too, he could sense it, but he didn't discourage her.

When she went to face them, they did not look kindly upon her. "I regret to inform you that I have been sent here to take possession of your apartment. You are no longer a member of the Senate, or a representative of the planet of Naboo."

"What?" She gasped. "You can't just throw me out, I have a family."

"This apartment was given to you as an employee of the government of Naboo. Your tenure is over, so is your residency."

"I demand an audience with Queen Apailana!"

"That has already been scheduled. We will leave immediately."

"What of our children? Our things?"

"Take what you can carry with you, you will not be coming back. What remains will be shipped to you at a later date."

"To, where?" She sadly realized she had no home.It was the same empty feeling Anakin got when he had left the apartment, and didn't feel able to go back to the temple. Her parents were gone, she had no job, and now no home. Though she still had Anakin and the twins, this was a terrible blow to them all.

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