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Chapter 7

As soon as the sun came up, the light filled the room enough to reach Anakin's newly healed eyes. He had never been so happy to have the sun in his eyesin his life! He opened them and looked over at Padme and the babies, still sound asleep. Quietly he got out of bed and went out to watch the sunrise on the veranda. Enjoying the sight so much, Anakin began to feel more guilty about lying to Padme and Obiwan about still being blind. He had been so happy when his sight returned, he had wanted to scream it out to everyone, but he held the secret to himself, hoping everyone would just leave him alone and not expect him to resume his previous life. Padme had always said, when are we going to start being honest with each other, and she was right. But knowing her policy on honesty, he knew she'd make him tell Obiwan, and he'd tell Yoda, and they'd expect him back at the temple with more duties. He couldn't do that. The thought of returning to that temple after what had occured the last time he was there sent him into a state of sheer panic. He couldn't set foot in there again. His harrowing experience and near death at Mustafar had left him in a state of shock and fear of ever putting himself in any dangerous situation again. What had happened to the young man who had wanted action, adventure and power? Had he been left on the burning sands of Mustafar? Anakin tried to put this out of his mind. He couldn't deal with it now, so he just wouldn't. He only wanted to stay around in peace and safety with Padme and the babies. His life was complete now. Or was it?

When he came back inside, he went into the bathroom and stared at his own face in the mirror. It really didn't look any different than he remembered it, the treatments had even improved the long thin scar on the right side of his face he'd had before. His eyes were just as they had been, now so clear once again he could see his own reflection in them. His vision was just as good, too. A warm feeling came over Anakin as he realized how lucky he had been, surviving and being healed from all his terrible wounds and afflictions. He took a shower, shaved, combed his hair neatly and got dressed, now that it all came easy to him again. The struggle of his injuries and nightmarish helplessness and darkness of his blindness were now over. Checking on Padme, there was so sign of stirring from the bedroom, so he set about to surprise her with a big breakfast. He'd just say it was good therapy for him, he was getting better at dealing with his handicap. What a lie, and he hated himself for it. Searching his mind, he was unable to bring himself enough courage for a confession. How long would he have to keep it up? He'd eventually admit being able to see, but if they found out in the meantime, would his wife and best friend hate him for it? He simply couldn't let that happen. Now that his eyes were working again it wasn't going to be easy pretending they couldn't look at anything, but he had to give it a try. Padme was feeling so much pity and love for him, he didn't want to give up that tenderness. She felt so sorry for him she never even mentioned his turning to the dark side, his pillage at the temple, or even choking her while she was pregnant. He couldn't do anything to change her feelings and love toward him. Poor 'blind' Anakin would have to stick around awhile longer, and milk it for all it was worth. He knew his life would be misearable if he had to keep playing blind forever, but he'd have to choose the right time to admit he had been miracusly cured, and claim it had just happened. He'd have to be very careful no one found out until then,

In the bedroom, the babies started to grunt, and Anakin went to their side. It was Luke, fussing and sucking on his little fists. Anakin smiled at him, picked him up and put him over his shoulder. Leia was awake but not fussing, so he left her there for now. As he started to walk away, Padme opened her eyes and saw him from the back as he was carrying out Luke. "Anakin, are you sure you can manage with the baby in your arms?"

He didn't turn to face her as he answered. "Sure I can, don't worry."

"Be careful!" she watched as he carried Luke in one arm, 'feeling' his way out of the room with the other in front of him. Padme rolled back over and treid to get more sleep. Anakin took Luke out onto the veranda, getting a good look at him for the first time in bright light. He smiled as he noticed how much Luke had taken after him, and how cute and perfect he really was. He held him snugly in both arms, and looked up at the sky.

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