Psychology 433

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Nqrse Kashi Ama Sou

Sakata Shima Urata Luz

Senra Eve Mafu Soraru

This is the boys position in the class in case any of you are confused. This is my first one shot. I hope you like it.

Please enjoy the story!!


Shima tapped the back of his pencil on the edge of his desk. He was shuffling in the hot, summer school uniform that hung loosely from his body. The sun was blazing and the room was humid. The fans inside the classroom did nothing to cool down the hot air. It was the third day of last week for school and he waited for Rimone-sensei to pass out the final test that was supposed to "prepare" them for final year. He sat patiently in his seat which is second from the front and the window. It almost rights smack in the middle of the classroom. He counted the people off the small room. There were only about twelve people in the class altogether, all boys. They were the only few that had decided to come.

Shima yawned. He felt really groggy and tired. He always felt like that at two in the evening. Shima stopped the tapping of his pencil and laid his head on the desk while groaning loudly. After a few minute, Rimone-sensei had finished fixing the test paper in front of the class. The purple haired boy could had sworn that he saw Rimone-sensei flash a grin, which is really suspicious. Shima narrowed his eyes.

"Alright class!" The man said with a wide smirk on his face and glinting eyes under the black glasses. "Remember to answer the question HONESTLY and CORRECTLY. You can not skip the question and you need to do everything in order. Best of luck to you." He finished and passed the paper out.

'What?' Shima barely could caught the word from that man. 'Oh well' He thought. It probably something like "Do your best" or "Please don't fail" like Rimone-sensei usually said. He then turned his view slightly, to the seat south west from him and look or stare on a certain blonde beauty.

Senra Whitney. His classmate and best friend (according to him) since fourth grade, much to his embarrassment as Shima like to tease him. He found that teasing Senra was his favourite hobby because the reaction provided by Senra, which the purplenette found cute.

"Shima." Shima felt someone hiss from behind him. He looked up and saw Kashitaro holding up the papers to him.

"Oh!" The purple head took the papers and passed the last paper to Eve behind him, who was hissing to him earlier. With a huff, the mushroom head took it and slammed the paper onto his desk. For Shima, Eve was cool but he studied too much. Next to him, Urata rolled his eyes and in front of Urata, Amatsuki started to scribble down his name on the test quickly. Shima looked down and his purple orbs locked on the name section. There it was, the quick "Name and underline" blank spot on every right-hand corner of a test paper. Lazily, he wrote his name, class, and the date down.

Name: Shima Hyan
Class: 2-3
Date: 14/07/2019

'Alright then, let's get this test done and over with' he thought.

There was something under the dreading Psychology 433 tittle at the top. Not wanting to fall for any of "You didn't read the instructions to a dumb test" tricks, he decided to read it.

Your name is Eve Izumi.

"No, it's not." Shima muttered softly to himself. He shot a glance over his shoulder to see his study maniac friend staring holes into the paper in front of him. Then, he averted his gaze to his direct left, only to see a certain merry redhead was happily doodling next to his name, Sakata Fawks. He made a mental note to poke some fun at Urata after this stupid test. However, right now, Urata was giving a bored stare to the paper in front of him. Shima sighed and hesistantly turned back to his paper.

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