Chapter SIX

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Honey Sinclaire

The ride back to your apartment is entirely too quiet.. You say nothing and Archer doesn't ask you any questions, probably because he can tell you are still reeling from the news that you'll be moving into a fancy uptown penthouse you could never have dreamed of affording before... That is until you were appointed COO of Carrington Corp!

You don't know which is crazier, that, or the fact that Sam had basically exploded when Garrett read your name out instead of hers.
Apparently Alex had promised her the COO position and she had some choice words for you about your 'undeserved' promotion.
She even went so far as to accuse you of sleeping with the old man to gain his favor..

An inappropriate and unthinkable claim..
You loved Alex as a friend and as a father, but nothing more..

When the car pulls up out the front  of your apartment, you're still lost in a daze of disturbing thoughts until Archer reaches across and tucks a loose curl behind you ear, speaking low and gentle, "Are you alright, Honey? You haven't said a word since we left the estate.."

You turn to face him in your seat, shaking your head slowly, seeking clarity that doesn't come.. "I--Yes--I'm fine.. Thank you again, for driving me today.."

You reach for the door handle, ready to make an escape from your embarrassment when Archer leans across to stop you, placing his hand on your knee.. Your skin prickles excitedly when you feel the heat of his over-sized palm through the distressed denim..

"Honey, I'm sorry for the fucked up things that woman said to you.. You know she's wrong though.." He gazes down at you as you smile up at him, remembering how just a few hours ago he had jumped to your defence when Sam had been on her tirade.. He had even placed himself in front of you like some kind of sentinel bodyguard, thick muscles flexing in a display of authority when the pissed off Advertising Exec had actually threatened to, quote; 'kick your ass'..

You don't think she would really have attacked you.. But still, her threats were scary and it was sweet of him to protect you the way he had.. Especially since he didn't have to.. In doing so, you can see how he had probably created a whole new rod for his back with Sam as an employee..
And once again, you will be accused of favoritism through sex..

Except this time, you'd very much like it to be true.. The desire that builds within you for the man is insatiable and impossible to ignore..

He has hypnotised you..

Now that you're alone with him, away from prying eyes, you can't stop your hungry gaze from wandering across his broad shoulders and over those bulging biceps that swell and strain the soft cotton sleeves of his crisp white button down.. Distracted by his perfectly sculpted masculinity, you let out a soft, longing sigh..

"Oh, You don't need to apologise Archie.." You smile at him shyly, trying to cover up the series of sexy thoughts racing through your muddled mind..

"Nobody calls me Archie.." His voice is a low, husky growl and there is a lustful, predatory darkness in his eyes that triggers a flood of heated lava to pool between your tightly squeezed thighs..

"Do you not like it?.. I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable.."  You draw back a little to look up at him, but he hooks a strong arm around your waist and draws you closer, easily sliding you across the centre console and into his lap.. You make no effort to resist his pull or to fight what is happening.. Even if he is your boss, even if he is a little brooding and a whole lot intimidating.. You won't deny that you want this.. You want him...

Alex always taught you to go after the things you want.. To take what you need and create your own happiness..

"No.. I like it.."  He growls again and now you feel his rock hard manhood pressed to the underside of your ass.. "Between 'Archie' and 'Mr Carrington' I know exactly which one I'd rather be to you.." He leans down to press a scorching kiss against the sensitive crook of your neck, sending shivers down your spine and igniting a raging fire across your flesh..

"Which one?"  You breathe, caught in his lusty haze, swept up into the pulsing currents coursing between you..

"Whichever lets me get away with this.." Peering deeply into your soul he leans closer, his hand sliding around the back of your neck to fix you in place before pressing his hungry mouth to yours..

Colours crackle and dance behind your eyelids in the mist spectacular of light shows as the yearning tension claws at your chest, your heart pounding with need and your sex aching with desire..

His tender touch winds it's way down to your waist, gripping you wantonly and with desperation as you deepen the kiss, tasting the sweetest dark cherries on his tongue..
The pressure of his fingertips mounting against your sweltering skin as you moan softly into his mouth, inviting him to give you more.. Coaxing out every ounce of his primal hunger with your talented tongue until he is heaving heavy breaths and you are panting in return..

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now