Chapter FORTY FIVE:The Shrive

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Honey Sinclaire

Iris sits rigidly on a stool opposite you at the kitchen bench, while you prepare a salad to go with dinner.. She hasn't said much since you brought her over to the kitchen, sat her down, found her a towel and poured her a glass of shiraz..

The men sit at the other end of the open plan apartment, just far enough away to pretend they're not listening.. You know they are.. "So.. It's all your fault, huh?".. You keep your tone light and casual, not looking up from what you're doing.. But you can see her hand freeze on her wineglass at your words..

"I.. Yes.. I suppose what happened to you is my fault in more ways than one.." Her voice is steady and calm, but there is a hint of sadness there..

"Are you here to apologise?"

She lets out a long sigh, taking a sip of her red wine before responding.. "No. I'm not.."

You put down your knife on the wooden chopping board and fix her with a curious stare, head tilted to one side.. "But you are sorry.."

Her brow creases and her lips purse tightly.. "What makes you say that, dear?"

You can see the remorse in her eyes, clear as day.. "Because you are.." You half shrug, reaching into the cabinets to pull out dinner plates for serving..

"Alex always spoke about you as if you were the most important thing in his life.. So much so that I must admit, I was almost a little jealous.. But after meeting you.. I see it, you are.. Rather special.." Her mention of Alex tugs at your heartstrings..

"From everything I've heard, Alex thought YOU were rather special.. That means something to me.."

She opens her mouth, then closes it as if choosing her next words very carefully.. "I had my reasons for doing what I did Honey.. But yes, I regret that those actions caused you to suffer.."

You plonk the plates down on the counter top.. "Of course you do. Honestly, I'm not angry at you Iris. And I don't blame you.. You make impossible decisions every day, just like Archer. I'm smart enough to see the complexities of your position.." You take the carving knife and begin to slice the roast, placing it on the white dishes..

"I see.."

You glance at her before turning to the wall oven, removing the tray of vegetables.. "I'm glad, because I would still like for us to be friends, you know.." You throw out the words she had used on you at Alex's funeral..
You mean them, but you hope she can appreciate the hint that her bullshit did not go unnoticed..

"Ah yes.. Of course.. And would it be safe to assume West has already filled you in about the doomsday device then.."

You drop the serving spoon into the hot tray, startled by her use of the word 'doomsday'.. That sounds bad.. Very, very bad.. "Uh.. No, he did not.."

She mutters to herself.."So he can follow instructions, he just chooses not to.."

You fish out the spoon and finish plating up the veggies.. "Doomsday device?" You look over your shoulder at Archer, he is watching you intently..

"Yes, it's what Alex left you the key for... So you could give it to me and we can destroy it.."

You wipe your hands on the dish towel before throwing it down. You place your palms on the counter and lean across, closer to Iris, lowering your voice.. "Iris, I said I would like for us to be friends.. I didn't say we ARE friends.." You lean back, straightening up.. "As far as I'm concerned, if I include myself there are four people in this apartment I trust, and you aren't on that list.." You scoop up an armful of plates and nod at Iris to grab the rest, before heading over to the Oak dining table.. Iris follows, looking awkward, as if she's never served dinner in her life.. Placing the plates on the table you look up at Iris and grin.. "Yet.."

She smiles, almost reluctantly.. "That seems fair.."

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