Chapter THIRTY SEVEN:The Shutdown

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Honey Sinclaire

After Patrick's visit, he leaves insisting you get some rest, doing his best to reassure you that Archer will be there as soon as he can.. You close your eyes and lay back for what feels like forever, but sleep is elusive..

So instead you pick up your notebook and a pen and begin to sketch away.. You draw the constellation of capricorn.. Knowing what it looks like from the necklace Yevie gave you.. You hope that by mapping out the constellation, it might give you some more clues about the key.. But it still just doesn't quite make sense..

As you stare at the stars inked on the page, a deep rumbling voice breaks you from your trance.. "Honey.. You're awake.."

You sit up a little too quickly, pain ripping across your stitched torso, causing you take a sharp inhale.. "Oooff.."

Archer is beside you in a second, his assessing eyes scanning you from head to toe..

"I'm alright.. I'm alright.." You wave him off, trying to smile convincingly but he's having none of it..

His muscles tense and his fists clench at his sides... "Shit.. You're not alright.. None of this is alright.. I never should have left you alone, unprotected.. I should have found you sooner.. I should--"

"Archie, stop!" You reach out and grab his hand, tugging on him, encouraging him to sit with you.. But he doesn't move.. "Archie, please.. This isn't your fault.. And I really am okay.."

"You don't understand.. Alex left me one goddamn job, and I fucked it up!" His eyes kerning with conflict..

You try to soothe him through hushed tones.. "You mean the files? Archie, we're going to figure out the password.. I know it, I'm so close to--"

"I'm not talking about the files Honey.. I'm talking about this.." He hands you a small handwritten note.. You'd recognise the handwriting anywhere.. Alex.

The note reads; 'Alpha, Protect my most precious treasure. Omega.'

"Alpha?" You ask, looking up at him, not knowing what this note means..

"Alpha was Alex's nickname for me... Thought it was funny, I guess.. So I started calling Him Omega.. It was just a stupid joke we had.." He sighs tiredly..

You smile, it was so like Alex to have a nickname for everybody, after all he had about a hundred for you.. "I can see that.. But.. If he wasn't talking about the encrypted files, what was he talking about?"

Archer runs his hand through his hair as his eyes lock with yours, those vivid emeralds piercing right through to your soul.. Your breath hitches and your skin prickles hotly under the intensity of his gaze.. "You.. He was talking about you, baby.."

Tears glisten in your eyes as you let out a quiet.. "Oh.."

"You were everything to Alex.. In his eyes, you were his daughter. He trusted you with a secret he died to defend.. And for some reason.. He entrusted me with you... Even though I clearly don't deserve it.. Look at how I let you down.." He runs his fingers down your arm, lightly brushing over the now yellowing bruises that remain..

You reach up, placing a hand on his chest as he stands there, rigid and uneasy.. You don't fully understand why this is happening.. But you can feel him putting you at a distance.. "Archie that's crazy! Alex knew exactly what he was doing.. He knew me better than anyone.. and I think he knew how I would feel about you, once I discovered the kind of man you are.."

He shakes his head but you keep talking, determined for him to hear you.. "You know, he once promised me I would never be alone again, even after he was gone.. I think he told me that because he already knew we were going to meet.." He doesn't say anything, or even react. His expression is so stony and impossible to read.. "Archie when I was taken, I knew you would come for me.. That hope kept me alive.. I.. I dreamt of you every time I closed my eyes.. I realised that.."
You take a deep breath.. You have never before said what you are about to say.. "Archie, I Lo--"

"Honey, don't.." He takes a step back, gently pulling his hand free from your clasp..

You snap your mouth shut with a clunk.. How utterly mortifying. You were about to say 'I love you' to a man who probably has zero interest in commitment!
Why would an international super spy want a girlfriend... Much less one who has been butchered like a steak..

Your hand flys to cover the three stitches and surgical tape on your cheek. You suddenly consider how ridiculous the whole thing even sounds.. How terrible you must look.. "Oh, god.."

He rocks back on his heels, running a hand down his face. "I just...Ah, fuck,, This isn't over, Honey.. And you aren't safe...So, I need you to think of yourself first.. Protect yourself.. Don't trust anybody.. Not even me.. Because I've already proven I can't keep you safe.."

Does he not understand, its too late for that?

Your heart hurts, but you don't want him to see the devastation and embarrassment you feel right now, so you avert your eyes and nod.. "If.. If that's what you really want, West.."

He sighs, leaning down to place a lingering kiss the top of your head.. You close your eyes, unable to watch him leave.. "It doesn't matter what I want, baby.. All that matters is keeping you safe and ensuring nothing like this ever happens again.."

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now