Chapter FIFTY ONE:The Settlement

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Honey Sinclaire

Your arms fall to your sides and you begin trembling.. The reality of all you've just witnessed crashing into you hard with a heavy, thrumming rush, like a ten foot wave barrelling you beneath the surface..

Archer stands and whirls around to sweep his assessing gaze over you, his features dark and angry.. "What the hell are you doing here Honey!?"

You open and shut your mouth, but no sound comes out.. Your brain stutters out and no full sentence forms.. "Me? --You! I was.."

"You could have been shot! Are you fucking insane!?" His voice grows louder as you see two lights bouncing towards you from the far side of the lot.. "FUCK!" He throws up his good arm, shouting now.. Your whole body begins to wrack with tremors..

"Archie.." You barely manage to whimper his name before tears begin to fall..

"Shit.. Baby, it's okay..Please don't cry.." He strides over to you, his injured left arm tucked against his chest.. A storm swells in his eyes as he looks into yours.. He wraps his right arm around you, pulling you close and burying his nose in your hair.."How would I have survived if something happened to you?.. I've never been so damn scared in my life.." He pulls back looking down at you.. "I love you, Honey.. I can't live without you.."

You reach up and place your hand on his cheek, his skin is cool from the night air.. His eyes drift close as he leans into your touch.. "I had to come.. I - -We - - can't live with you Archie.."

His brow creases.. "We?"

You take his hand, pressing his palm to your belly.. The words come out as a quiet whisper on your breath.. "Baby.. I'm pregnant.."

In a rare show of emotion his eyes widen and his brows shoot up.. "You're--"

He is cut off by Jackson and Patrick calling out.. "The two in the cars have been secured, boss.." Jackson comes up beside you both, Archers hand drops away as Jackson looks between the two of you.. "You alright Sinclaire?.." You nod to Jackson numbly, your mind reeling from Archer's reaction to your news..

What was that? Shock obviously.. But was he happy?

Patrick's voice chimes out from behind you.. "Oorah boys! I nev'r miss me' target!" He joins the group with his trademark cheeky grin..

"Oorah!" Archer and Jackson grunt in unison..

"Shots, O'connor!" Archer claps Patrick on the shoulder commending his sniper skills.. Genuine pride in his eyes.. "You saved my ass, Patrick.."

Patrick waves a dismissive hand.. "Ah, tisnt' a thing.. Bout' time I repayed the favour.." He winks at Archer and turns to you.. "Rite' dolly?" He just raises a brow at you in question.. "Yeah, I'm good, P.. Thanks" You smile..

He grins at you, dimples puckered.. "Yeah you are.."

Archer coughs, blood splutters from his mouth as he groans in pain.. You rush over to him with Jackson and prop him up as his body droops wearily.. "We need to get out of here.. Ford, take Honey back to my place.. Patrick.." He coughs again.. More blood.. "Get me to the doc.." 

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now