Chapter FORTY FOUR:The Scourge

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Honey Sinclaire

The entire weekend is lost in a whirlwind of blissful ignorance with Archer at his apartment, barely making it beyond the bedroom until Partick and Jackson arrive on Monday morning..

You spend the day answering all their questions, sharing every detail of your experience at the warehouse, and relaying word for word the things you remember both Brian Asher and Flynn Bexley had said..

For some reason, you decided to keep the details of Drackov's frightening sexual advance to yourself.. You know you should tell them but you don't want to see the look on Archers face when he hears.. By the time evening rolls around your head aches from all the probing and relieving of the whole ordeal..

The three of them turn to discussing their next raid on a weapons trade deal that has ties to Bexley, at a warehouse not far from the one you were kept in.. Deciding you've had enough spy talk, you slip out into the kitchen and begin to prepare dinner for everyone in an effort to distract yourself.. You're halfway through preparing a lemon and rosemary roast when a sharp chime sounds by the door..

Archer crosses the loft and presses the intercom button.. "West." He barks out..

A soft female voice responds through the speaker.. "It's Santiago.."
He rolls his eyes in the direction of the other two before pressing the buzzer to let her in.. Minutes later, Iris stands in the foyer, her jacket dripping with rainwater and her wet hair slicked down.. She looks tired, and has on no makeup.. Not at all the sophisticated put together vision she had been when you first met..

You circle around the kitchen island and head over to stand next to Archer, but he shifts his stance, blocking you behind him.. As he does that, you notice Patrick and Jackson rise from the sofa and follow, they stand behind you, arms crossed across their broad chests. You peer over your shoulder and give them a 'what the heck are you doing' look..
Patrick grins.. Jackson basically ignores you..

"What are you doing here Iris? I told you I would handle it.. I'm handling it.." Archer's tone is biting, and buzzing with anger..

"You missed the last briefing meet.." She looks past him, directly at you.. "It's good to see you again, Honey dear.." She smiles at you warmly.. There is something about the way she looks at you.. Like she knows a secret you don't..

"It's nice to see you again too, Iris.." You smile, wary but not disingenuous..

She lifts her nose and sniffs.. "Is that you cooking? It smells absolutely divine.."

You peek around Archer to look at her.. "It is.. There's enough for an extra plate, if you would like to stay?.." You offer politely..

She smooths her hands over the front of her drenched overcoat.. "Oh that would be won--"

"No.." The both speak at the same time before they lock eyes in a stare off..

"Oh for heaven's sake.." You poke an elbow into Archer's side, you know he can barely feel it but he still looks at you sternly before he steps back, throwing up his hands and letting you approach Iris.. "Come with me to the kitchen, I'll get you a towel to dry off and we can have a glass of wine while I finish off the chicken.."

Archer steps forward, putting a heavy hand on your shoulder.. "Honey, Iris is the reason you were tortured.. She is the one who let Drackov go.." He glares at her, both Patrick and Jackson backing him up..

You sigh, turning to Iris.. "Is that true?"

She lifts her chin.. "Yes. It is."

You shake your head.. "Then it seems we will have plenty to talk about, Iris.."

"I would like that. Thank you Honey.."
Archer looks about ready to explode so you throw him a look that says 'chill' and smile as you lead Iris through to the kitchen..

Patrick let's out a chuckle and a low whistle.. "She sure is bloody somethin' boss!"

The last thing you hear is Archer grumbling at Patrick.. "Watch it.."

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