Chapter TWENTY FIVE: The She Wolf

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Archer West

After I had arrived at Specter's headquarters over an hour late, Iris had chewed me out for my apparent disrespect.. My lateness was less disrespect and more the fact that Honey had been bent naked over my desk while I ate her sweet ass and fingered her juicy little pussy until she blew like a fucking volcano.. And no sane man is going to pass on that.

But I'm not suicidal, so there's not a chance in hell I was ever going to tell Iris about Honey and me..
Instead, I filled her in on some of the goings on of the investigation.. Keeping just enough to myself.. Like the part about the informant I had found, who had given me several locations where Asher might be hiding.. Even though I can't be sure he's telling the truth..

I know Iris, I trust her and she means well, but as a stickler for rules and protocol, I can't risk her bringing this guy in for questioning and getting him killed before I have everything I need from him..

She's also a damn mind reader, and sensing that I'm withholding information sends her into another tyraid..

I keep my mouth shut while she lays into me about being out of control, my lack of check-ins, the secrecy and loyalty shared between Alpha Team that she just can not breach, no matter how hard she pushes.. "The guys at Langley expect fucking answers, West. How do you think it makes me look when my operatives disrespect me and go against my direct fucking orders, every god damn time!" She glares at me, shaking her ashy blond bob from side to side wearily.. "Semper I, fuck the other guy.. Right, West?"

I know she's reached peak levels of rage when she starts dropping F-bombs, usually she is a refined and polished character.. So naturally I can't help myself, I'm gunna enjoy this.. I shrug.. "Old habits die hard.. You've said fuck three times now, Iris.. You don't talk to the guys at Langley like that? That might be your problem right there.."

I smirk at her and she scowls back at me, ignoring my jab folding her arms..

"You only hinder your own investigations by refusing to share information! For fucks sake West! You keep forgetting we're on the same side.."

This pisses me off.. As much as I respect the woman, we disagree on a lot of things.. Particularly, tactical strategy..
"We are one the same side, Iris.." I keep my tone passive and my expression neutral.. "But I disagreed with your 'outsanding' idea to send Honey home and back to work.."
I lean forward in my chair, fixing her with a steely gaze. "I disagree with you using her as bait.. Which is what you're doing.. Isn't it?" I already know the answer, so to bring my point home as I stand up and head for the exit, I call out.. "If Asher gets to Honey.. It'll be on you, Iris.."

"Impossible bloody bastard.."
I can hear her mutter angrily to herself as I walk away, the idea that I've ruined her night as much as she as ruined mine leaving me extremely satisfied..

I step into the elevator and push the button for the parking garage.. Checking my watch to see it's almost midnight.. There's only one thing I can think about, pretty much all I ever seem to think about anymore.. Honey..
I need to see her again.. I need to feel her silken skin and smell her peachy fragrance.. I need to hear her sweet syrupy voice.. To see her smile..

So when I get to my car I pull my phone out and press call.. It rings twice before the dial-tone cuts out.. I look around the concrete box that is the garage blocking the service, seeing the exit ramp I walk out into the cool night air and press call again. It rings, once, twice... Four times.. Before she picks up.

I was expecting a slightly different greeting, but I shrug off her shortness, maybe she's tired, though I don't hate the idea that she might have been waiting up for me, "Hey baby, you're still up. I was beginning to think you'd fallen asleep on me.."

Her voice throws me, there's something off about it.. "West.."
Her use of my last name stops me in my tracks.. She says it sweetly, but normally when she uses that sugary tone she calls me 'Archie'. ... Is she pissed off?
When we'd parted earlier she hadn't said anything or seemed upset..

"Ah, should I be worried?" I ask, hoping she will at least let me know what it is I've done...

"Okay, sure.." She replies casually... As if answering a completely different question.. I could not be more confused right now..

"Honey, what is--?" I just want to ask her what the fuck is going on, but she doesn't let me..

"Listen it's late so.. You probably shouldn't come over tonight, I'm just going to bed... I'll see you.. Um, later.."
The line clicks deal on two short beeps as the bizarre conversation rings in my ears and it only takes a second for me to realise how badly I've fucked up..

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