Chapter FIFTY:The Sacrifice

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Honey Sinclaire

"Don't do this Flynn.. Please.." You're sure there's a wobble in your voice but you do your best to fight it and sound intimidating..

"Back off you little bitch, I'll fucking do it!" His voice wavers and you can see you've caught him off guard, now all you have to do is wait for the cavalry to arrive...

You had taken the gun from Archers nightstand.. You're definitely no marksmith but Patrick showed you enough during your time hanging out together to aim, shoot and reload confidently..

You had called Jackson from the car - you also "borrowed" - as you trailed Archer to the vacant lot on the south side of town..
Following him had felt wrong, like a betrayal of trust.. But not as wrong as him leaving you behind to go off on a suicide mission.. Not when he has so much unfinished business with you.. So much to hear

You had parked the car much further up the road to creep down the darkened street on foot and have been watching the gruesome scene unfold, hidden behind a pile of old fence pailings.. But you couldn't stay hidden away and watch any longer .. Not after seeing your sweet Archie take a bullet.. Every fibre of your being had been kicked into overdrive, a primal urge to defend the one you love.. At any cost..

Now that your standing here, gun in hand pointed at Bexley, you are second guessing everything about every decision you've made since getting out of the car..

Still, Patrick and Jackson can't be far away, so you figure all you have to do is keep Flynn talking until then..

You only have one idea of how to make that happen, and Archer is not going to like it..
"You still need the key, right?" You take another step closer, only several feet away now..

"You know I fucking do!" Flynn becomes more and more aggited by the second..

"Well, I have it.. And unlike him.. I will be much easier to interrogate.. You already know that.. West will never give it up, you'll never break him.. But I will.." Your eyes go to Archer as he looks at you with sad, imploring green eye's, begging you to stop what you're doing..
But you can't.. You can't watch him die.. It will destroy you.. So you turn the pistol in your hand on yourself, pressing it against your temple.. "If you kill him.. I will kill myself. You will never get the key.. Nobody will.. All of this, will die with me.. " It's a pretty extreme bluff.. You just hope it's enough..

Archer lurches forward on his knees landing hard on his palms, spitting out a mouthful of blood.. "No, Honey don't--" He reaches up clutching his wounded shoulder, his voice weakened now from blood loss..

"Y- you wouldn't.." Flynn stammers, shocked by your insane approach..

"I would Flynn. I love him.. I won't live without him.." Your voice comes out filled with emotion..

"Well isn't this just a touching fucking display!" The second Flynn takes his eyes off Archer, he pounces.. They scuffle in the dirt and leaves on the ground, fists flying, the sickening smacking thud of blow after blow landing..

"Stop! Stop please!" You try to aim the pistol but they are moving around so much that you can't get the shot.. Flynn drops a knee into Archers stomach and scrambles to his feet.. Archer is up just as fast and takes up a fighting stance.. You are about to scream out again when something miraculous happens..

Two small red dots appear on Flynn's chest..

"Think very carefully about your next move Flynn.." Archer grins as he nods his head at the little glowing laser lights that sit steady over Bexley's heart now..

Flynn's eyes flick down and grow wide in fear when he sees he's in the snipers sights.. "This isn't over.." He growls, but doesn't move..

"Yes it is, Flynn.." You take a few steps forward, coming up to stand behind Archer, who's shoulders are beginning to sag tiredly.. Archer holds out an arm, keeping you from moving any closer.. "Honey, stay back.."

Right in that moment, Flynn let's out a piercing shriek.. He lunges towards you.. You see the flash of a blade before you hear two soft thuds and Flynn freezes in place..

Your brain struggles to process what has just happened as Bexley falls backward stiffly to the ground.. Archer steps forward to kick the knife away fork his fist and grabs Flynn's limp body, flipping him onto his stomach and zip tying his wrists..

His hand then goes to his neck to check his pulse.. You can't believe it.. It's over..

It's really over..
.. Everything moves in a slow motion blur...

You speak, but it doesn't sound like it's coming from you.. "Is he dead?"

Archer shakes his head.. "No.. O'connor was feeling merciful tonight.."

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