Chapter THIRTY TWO: The Snitch

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Honey Sinclaire

When Asher and Drackov return what must be a few hours later, they're both carrying small, creepy looking leather pouches.

Drackov lays his pouch on the floor and unfurls it. Several shiny and sharp silver implements are neatly lined up within the case.. Your heart speeds up at the very sight of what you already know are tools of torture. “Wh-what are you doing?” You splutter fearfully..

Neither of your captors speak a word, as Asher squats down and does the same with his pouch..
His implements are much the same, except golden. Asher plucks a scalpel like blade from the tools before him and stands, casting his cruel gaze over the dirt streaked bare skin of your legs and torso.

Your, eyes and lips feel puffy and swollen and flesh is already covered in dark purple and blue splotches from the savagery of the brutal hosing you had received, and you really don't know if you can take much more physical abuse..

“I will of course allow you to choose, Honey dear.. Silver or gold?” Asher asks casually, as if he were asking for something as simple as your tea preferences..
You look between the two men, thinking you're making a choice between who will be administering your torture, but you are ohbso wrong..

Drackov looks up at Asher who gives him a wink. The huge Russian then stands and leaves without speaking or looking at you. Asher raises his volume.. “Silver.. Or gold.. Tick-tock, love..”

You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head, pulling hard at the zip ties until you begin to feel a warm trickling ooze running down your palms, dripping from your fingertips..

“Perhaps then, Mr Bexley will oblige?..” He walks over to Flynn, who is still propped up against the pylon and taps him with is foot demanding an answer.. “Silver or gold Mr Bexley?”

Flynn shakes his head, sputtering.. “Please.. Don't make me choose..”
Asher leans down over Flynn, raising the tip of his blade to just a hair away from hie eye..
Flynn warbles, quivering weakly and giving in instantaneously.. “Silver, silver! Shit, just stop please!”

Asher straightens up and twirls to face you with a flourish.. “Excellent, we have a decision.. Silver it is!”
He smirks his devil's grin, stalking towards you..

“Brian, please, you don't have to do this.. Maybe I can help you..” You beg uselessly..

He crosses the floor quickly to pluck the silver blade from the pouch.. “Oh love, don't you see.. I want to do this..”
He prowls closer, placing the knife at the top of your ribcage, just beneath the cup of your bra before dragging it diagonally downward, slicing your tender flesh, all the way to your belly button.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHGGGHHHHH!” You exhale a shrill shriek of agony as Asher's eyes flash with excitement..

The pain is instantaneous and excruciating. It takes you a second to realise that the blood curdling shriek echoing from the walls, is coming from you…

Looking down you see crimson red bleeding from the wound, trickling down to your legs and dripping to the floor. A wave of nausea hits you. Your vision clouds and adrenaline pumps overtime as your body's effort to offer you some kind of assistance..
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you!” The words are hissing out of your mouth before you can even finish thinking them.

“Honey?! Oh my god Honey!” Flynn's panicked voice sounds distant and underwater in your swirling head...

Asher laughs like a mad man and slashes at your arm wildly, tearing open another gash.

“Ahhhhh!” You scream and cry,  heaving in breaths trying to block out the sharp, cutting agony. “Sssssshhit!”

“Honey, jesus fucking christ! Just tell him! Tell him about the stars!” Flynn shouts..

You glare over at Bexley, “Shut up Flynn!”

“Stars?” Asher looks from Flynn to you then back again. “What about them?"
Asher grabs your hair in his first and brings the knife to your face, poking the pointed tip of it into the skin of your cheek. You let out an uncontrollable yelp, “What about the fucking stars!? Tell me already you little slut!”

He begins to cut you, slowly, his eyes lighting up with excitement as you try to squirm out of his grasp…

“AHHHHHHHH!! Alright! Stop! Please, please.. I'll tell you!” You sob, your spirit broken and your body bloodied..

“Well.. I'm waiting..” Asher taps a foot impatiently..

“I think.. I think it's something to do with the stars..” You take a shuddering breath.. "I think it might be a constellation.. Maybe one that relates to me, specifically.. So Capricorn..” You look up at Asher's scowling face.. “The constellation of capricorn.. That's the best answer I have..”
You feel faint, getting closer and closer to slipping over the edge into the shadowy blackness that seeps into your peripheral vision.

“Capricorn? What the fuck does that bullshit have to do with anything!" He snaps, displeased with your riddle of an answer..

“Destiny.. Its.. Where my path is written.. I think..” You wheeze, breathing too shallow to be taking in enough air.

“DESTINY? YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Asher brings the knife to your throat, his teeth clenched furiously and his pupils large as saucers.

You close your eyes.. This is it, you're going to die here.. In these final moments. Archer's face flashes into your mind and you feel hot tears leaking from your eyes at the idea of never seeing him again... Never again feeling his comforting presence.. Never seeing his charming smile.. Never again kissing his full lips..

In this moment you would give anything to see him, even if it were just one last time. You would look into his eyes and tell him you love him, because he's worth loving.. Even if he doesn't believe it...

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