Chapter SEVENTEEN: The Sorry

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Honey Sinclaire

You pass the day reading gossip magazines and watching TV, before you spend the evening restless, replaying your conversation with Jackson.. And your fight with Archer..

It's close to midnight when a soft knock comes from the door, snapping you out of your thoughts.

Guessing it's just Patrick greeting you at his shift change, you call out as you jump up crossing the floor..

"Patrick! Please tell me you've brought me some more of those cute--"
You open the door, not to find Patrick..
But Archer, looking confident and completely unreadable..

"Cute what?" There's a hint of jealousy in his tone, though he quickly recovers, curling his lips into a smirk instead of a snarl...

"Cat videos.." You whisper, finishing your original sentence..
He steps into the room, assaulting you with his intoxicating manly scent once again, like ripe cherries and rich chocolate...

"Ah.. You know, I had figured O'connor to be more of a dog person.." He muses, flashing a sizzling smile in your direction as your heart swoons..

"He is.." You nod dumbly in agreement, not sure of what else to say..

There is a long awkward silence, so grating it's as though somebody is running nails down a chalkboard inside your brain, while Archer simply watches you with that intense viridian vision of his and you begin to squirm under the scrutiny..
Unable to bear it, you finally blurt out, "What are you doing here?"

He crosses to the bed where the small case of clothes Patrick had retrieved from your apartment for you sits, open.. He slowly begins to pack your few belongings into the bag..
"I came to drive you home.. Ford was supposed to do it, but.. He had a change of plans last minute, so.."

You suspect that change of plans came about because you'd accidentally admitted to Jackson that you had been missing Archer and that Ford very purposefully manufactured this situation so the two of you could talk..

Jackson had also told you Archer was out there catching the bad guy.. You just hadn't expected him to do it so quickly.. "You caught the guy, already?!" You blink up at him, stunned..

His reply is short and reserved, "I did."
You feel the cold seeping into your core from his frigid tone.. His way, you've come to realise, of keeping you at arm's length.

You smile at him, trying to convey your appreciation.. "Thank you, that's honestly such a huge relief.."

"Of course," he nods, "Nikita Drackov has been known to authorities for some time now, he needed to be taken off the streets.."

You wonder why a known assassin would want to kill you? It just seems so crazy...
"Oh..I see.." Your thoughts spin..

"And you wanted to go home." He says flatly..


Even crazier is the fact that it hurts so much to hear that last part..
He makes it seem like he caught the guy just to get rid of you!

You can't help asking, "So, it's over?.. You'll be leaving Carrington Corp and going back to your secret 'security' job.." You wish you sounded a little less disappointed, but, you're not ready to give him up.

"I.. Ah.. Isn't that what you wanted?" He narrows his confused eyes at you, clearly suffering whiplash from your ever changing mood..

"I don't know, Archie.. I've been thinking.." You want to tell him you overreacted..
That you should have been more understanding and grateful for everything he has done for you..
You want to tell him he makes you feel things you've never felt before.. That you don't want him to walk out of your life, to disappear like a ghost..

You take a nervous step towards him, looking up into his clear, bright eyes..

"Honey.. Wait.." He holds up his hands to block your approach, his features soften as he looks at you taking a deep, steadying breath.."If there is the slightest possibility that an angel like you could actually give a guy like me a chance.. Then, I need to tell you the whole truth.."

You don't know what he means by 'a guy like him'.. Doesn't he realise that you are in absolute awe of him?
You stand perfectly still, not moving any closer.. But not retreating either, "Okay.. Tell me.."

You don't know what's coming next, what he could possibly say to make this any crazier.. Given everything that's happened you fail to see how it could get much worse..

But Archer's grave tone suggests otherwise, "I would be breaking all the rules by sharing this information with you.. And you could possibly be in danger for knowing.."

You can see him struggling with this decision, so you reach out a hand to him, and he takes it in his, immediately comforted by his warmth, "Archie, I'm not stupid, I know I'm already in danger.. Please, tell me.."

You pull him gently over to join you as you sit on the edge of the bed as you wait with baited breath while Archer begins the story..
From the beginning..

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