Chapter THIRTY SIX:The Slumber

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Honey Sinclaire

A faint insistent beeping brings you out of your slumber and you open your eyes looking up at the crisp white ceiling, blinking yourself awake..
Your head spins as you push yourself up on your elbows, surveying the plush hospital room.. "Where am I?.."

A cheerful whistle comes from the doorway and you look up to see Patrick's smiling face.. "Ya scared the shite' outta' me littl' one.. Feelin' alrite'?"

"Mmhmm, just peachy.." You quip with a wince as you push yourself up to a full sit, your back resting against the soft fluffy pillows..

Several gorgeous floral arrangements, a fluffy white teddy bear and several chocolate boxes at your bedside catch your attention.. "Wow, you guys really thought I was going to die, huh?" You hitch a thumb in the direction of the thoughtful gifts, touched to see such an outpouring of kindness from concerned friends..

"Nah, I nev'r doubted yah.. Not for a second!" He strides across to your bedside pulling up a chair and plonking himself down..

"Not that I'm not happy to see you P.. But.. Where is Archie?" You look around the empty hospital room..

"Archie?" He grins cheekily..

"West, then.. Where is West?" You smirk, rolling your eyes..

"He'll be 'ere Hon.. He's got some shite to take care of but once he hears yer awake.. We won' be able to keep him away.." He pats the end of the bed reassuringly..

You lean back into the pillow, closing your eyes.. "Good.."

It's quiet for so long you almost begin to fall back to sleep when Patrick speaks again.. "Ah, I almos' forgot.. He left ya these.."

Your eyes fly open, watching Patrick lean over and pick up a bundle of items before he begins passing them to you..
Your notebook.. "Oh my god.. My book!" You take it, giving the front cover a quick kiss.
Your necklace... "But how?.. Drackov snatched this from me at the warehouse!?"
Patrick raises one eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.. You coil the chain on top of the book, in your lap...

Patrick pauses, smiling at you fondly before handing you the last item.. A single black dahlia..

"Archer really brought this for me?" You are stunned..
He nods as you bring the flower to your nose, inhaling its sweet fragrance.. "It's so beautiful.."

As he watches you Patrick's smile begins to melt away, replaced by a grimace of concern... "Honey.. Are ya.. Okay?.. I mean what ya went through..."

He squirms uncomfortably, so you cock your head at him, lightening the mood with a soft smile.. "What I went through.. You mean being tortured by three psychopaths?"

He nods.. "Ah, yep..That.."

Taking a deep breath you think about his question for a moment.. Are you okay?
"Oddly enough.. I think I am okay.. I mean.. I haven't had much time to process it all.. But, I'm beginning to understand that something a whole lot bigger than me is going on here.." You glance over at him quickly, then back to your flower.. "And I know you read my file too, J told me.. So you know about my time in the Foster care system.. It's not exactly the first time I've been.. Treated badly.."

You turn back up to him expecting to see the usual pity, but instead you see something else.. Empathy.. "I'm real sorry, Hon.. We let ya down.. Me 'n Jackson, we've been feelin' pretty responsible for what ya went through ... West 'specially, he's been goin' outta' his mind with guilt, I haven't seen such a mess since--.. Well, in a long time"

It hurts your heart to think of the ways Archer must have suffered during your disappearance.. "What?.. Why should he feel guilty he didn't do anything wrong.. He saved me.. Again.." You can't wait to see him so you can set his mind straight!

"It's, ah.. Not fer' me to say.." Patrick mumbles

You roll your eyes at him and laugh.. "Brothers first, right?"

Patrick laughs, shaking his head.. "Nah, nuthin' like that.. I jus never have any idea what the guy is thinkin'!"

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now