Chapter THIRTY NINE:The Stars

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Honey Sinclaire

It's been two days since Archer had visited you last and you wonder when he will show up again.. After everything that happened you had hoped that your reunion would have brought something more..
Instead, it's as if a void is expanding between you both, and you don't know how to stop it..

Jackson has come to help you pack your belongings and bring you back to the safehouse.. Yevette has also come, bringing you fresh clothes and a beautiful bunch of yellow roses..

Yevie thinks you were the victim of a hit and run accident, Patrick had given her the cover story and filled you in when you woke up..
So far she hasn't wanted to talk about it anyway.. She has instead been fussing over you, trying to distract you and make you laugh.. You absolutely love her for it..

"I just about have everything.. I'll take these bags out to the car and come back for you.."

You smile at him.. "Thank you so much, J." Jackson takes your bags and leaves the room. You turn back to Yevie, who believes you are going off for rehabilitation treatments.. "Could you pass my notebook, please?"
You motion to the open notebook on the bedside table. She practically jumps for it, not wanting you to move a muscle..

Yevie has been playing nurse for most of the morning now... As she lifts the little notebook she notices your rough sketches.. "Hey! Capricorn! I knew you would love astrology if you gave it a chance!" She laughs, amused because she was always the one reading the horoscopes while you made fun of them.. She squints at the book, turning it upside down, then back again.. "But, why is Alpha Capricorni in the wrong position?"

You nearly snap your neck whipping around to look at her.. "Alpha what?"

"Alpha Capricorni.. This star here.." She points to the second largest star in the picture.. "It's in the wrong place.. It should be up here.."

She hands you the book as you echo her words.. "Alpha Capricorni..."

You can't believe it! That's it! The key! You dig through your handbag for the necklace, pulling it out and inspecting it.. Sure enough, It's exactly the same as you drew it.. "Why is it like that on the necklace you gave me then?"

You hold it out for her, she takes it in her slender fingers, inspecting it for herself.. "It's.. Not possible.. I swear it wasn't like that when I brought it, you'd think I would have noticed!" Yevie seems puzzled by the weirdness of it all.. But isn't overly phased, shrugging it off as a silly mistake..

But you know better.. This is no mistake.. Finally it all makes sense, the puzzle pieces click together and you can see it so clearly...

Alex swapped this necklace out at some point, which would have been so easy for him given how often you had him over to your apartment for a home cooked meal ..

The key has been hanging around your neck for months.. And all the clues were there.. The stars, destiny, the alpha and you..

You smile and shrug at her before giving a playful wink.. "Oh.. Well I love it anyways.."
Yevie laughs at your antics as you snatch the necklace back.. Knowing you need to give it to Archer when you see him next.

Just then Jackson returns, poking his head through the doorway.. "You ready Honey?.. We really need to hit the road.."

You hug your bestie goodbye and promise to get in touch when you can.. She squeezes you a little too tight, but you let her.. After all, you've put her through hell over the last couple of months..

Jackson doesn't really ask any questions on the drive to the safehouse.. Instead he tells stories about his time in Boot Camp with the drill sergeant from hell.. "Can you imagine, an entire platoon, buried up to their necks in mud in torrential rain, lookin like a bunch of god damn cabbage patch kids! All over a few smart mouthed comments.."

"Oh my god!" You clasp a hand over your mouth, half shocked, half trying not to laugh at the mental health picture..

"Hey its not funny! West was a real hard ass before you came along.."

You stop laughing.. "What?! Archie was your drill sergeant?!"

"Archie? Sheesh, the shit you get away with.." He grins..

Your stomach drops and you feel your eyes welling with tears.. "I doubt I will for much longer.." A tear breaks free and rolls down your cheek to sting your stitches..

"Whoa! What does that mean Honey?" Jackson pulls the car over to the curb, turning off the ignition and angling his body towards you in the seat..

"I'm.. I'm just not enough for him Jackson.. I never will be.." Another tear streaks, so you blink trying to hold them back. "He's so fearless, so in control.. He has every reason to want to keep me away.. I'm a weakness.. I broke so easily in that wearhouse.. I.. I.."

"Honey.. I don't know what is going on between you guys, and West would kill me if he knew I was sticking my nose in his business.." He looks over his shoulder as if Archer might appear behind him.. "It's been a long time since I've seen him care about.. Well, anything, the way he cares about you.." He reaches out putting a heavy, comforting hand on your shoulder... "The way guys like us live, having something, someone to fight for, it doesn't come around all that often..N' If you ask me.. You make him stronger Honey, not weaker.."

You sniffle a little, trying to see things from Jackson's perspective.. "I really want that to be true."

"Maybe it can be.." He nods his head, motioning you to look over your shoulder.. You see him... Archer, standing there at the entrance of the large, multi storey brick building, waiting for you..

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