Chapter FORTY SIX:The Sodality

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Honey Sinclaire

You all sit around Archers rustic Oak dining table, the men still glaring daggers at Iris while they devour their chicken.. You look at them, from one to the next, exasperated.. "Is this really to be the mood for our entire dinner guys?" They exchange glances with each other, as if having a silent conversation only the three of them can hear.. You roll your eyes before turning to Iris.. "Are they always this difficult?"

Iris gives Archer a pointed look while replying to you.. "Believe it or not, no. They were complete angels, until you came along.."
You look up from your plate, stunned, to see her lips tugging up in a wide teasing smile.

Just as you open your mouth to speak, Patrick steals the moment and says exactly what you were thinking.. "Iris, did you jus' make a joke?"

Your eyes dart to Archer, who is covering a smirk with his hand, you can see the mischievous twinkling behind his gaze as he turns to you.
Patrick and Jackson grin like fools at Iris, clearly enjoying her company now that she had loosened up after her non-apology, apology.

Looking around at the four of them your heart squeezes with a familiar warmth you haven't felt since you lost Alex.. They are like a family, and it warms your heart to see.. You feel tears slip down your cheeks. By the time you lift a hand to wipe them away everybody at the table is staring at you..

Archer pushes back his chair, rising to his feet... "Honey? What is it, baby?" You hold up a hand and wave him off, motioning for him to sit back down.. He drops back into his place with a heavy thud, eyes swimming with concern...

You take a few breaths steadying yourself.. "No, no.. It's just, you guys.. It's so hard to explain, but.. You all make me feel like Alex is still here.. You remind me of him in different ways.." Iris makes a strangled choking sound in the back of her throat. You look at her.. "You remind me of him the most, Iris. I can easily understand why Alex was in love with you.."

A faint flush creeps up her cheeks.. "Me? We were.. I don't.." You smile at her, having put together another piece of Alex's puzzle.. Iris Santiago, the woman he always referred to as 'his dream girl'..

"You were the one that got away from him... From the first time I saw you I felt like I already knew you.. Because I kind of did.. Alex told me so many stories about you, I don't know how I didn't realise when Archie told me you two were together.. Alex used to tell me all about meeting the love of his life in the service.. A beautiful young cadet, who stole his heart.. He always just referred to her as 'Santiago'.."

Her hand goes to her chest and she rubs her fingertips against her heart.. "He told you that?" She whispers, you can see the love she had for Alex in her wide doe eyes..

You nod, still smiling.. "He did.. He would never tell me exactly why it ended.. Only that he blew it, and that watching you walk away, was the only thing he would ever regret in this life.."
She sighs, almost relievedly.. "That ridiculous man.. I never walked away from him, I was just waiting for him to come to his senses.." Iris now seems on the verge of tears and the men all look at each other nervously..

It's Archer who speaks up, trying to offer support.. You can't help but think it's sweet of him, even if he is lacking a little tact.."And he would have, Iris.. If it wasn't for that little fucker, Bexley.."

Jackson speaks up now too.. "We'll get him chief.." Archer nods stiffly..

Jackson draws your attention, you grin at him, you want each of them to know you are grateful to have them in your life.. "Jackson, You're like a brother I never knew I needed, you've been there for me, proving to be the most honest person I've ever met.. I know how much honesty meant to Alex - even though he decided to skip that policy with me - he often spoke of the importance of honesty.. Even doing what you guys do.. You manage to find a way through without losing your integrity.. Everything about you is admirable, and Id wager a bet Alex loved you.."

"Wow.. Honey. I think that's one of the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.." Jackson sits quietly stunned by your declaration..

"Ahem.. 'Scuse me.." Patrick pretends to clear his throat, grinning his cheeky dimpled grin..

"Patrick.. Of course, I could never forget about you.." You smile across the table at him.. "Alex loved a joke, so I can only imagine the shenanigans that went on when you two got together.. Thank you for being a friend to me, even when I was ungrateful, I will never forget the kindness you showed me and the comfort of your humor.."

"Awh, littl' one! Angels would weep in your presence!" He jumps to his feet, blowing an exaggerated kiss before he gives a little bow before flashing his dimples and winking at you. You laugh at his ridiculous antics, a proper laugh from deep in your belly..

There is only one person left at the table.. He watches you, a small smile on his lips and adoration in his eyes.. You lean forward, not to close, but just enough for him to have a good view of your ample cleavage... "You already know how I feel about you.. Don't you?"

You give him a coy smile.. Archer grins back at you.. "I do."

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