Chapter FIFTY TWO:The Spark

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Archer West

...t h r e e d a y s l a t e r...

The bullet was a through and through.. Though the now bandaged wound still throbs uncomfortably in the sling that hangs around my neck.. With every movement as I step through the front door of my apartment I'm reminded of the lead projectile that passed through my arm..

The loft is so quiet, silent as I enter and I wonder if maybe Honey isn't here.. Maybe she went home or to her friend, Yevie's place.. I couldn't blame her if she did.. My ever growing list of fuck ups must be like a glaring red flag to her..

I drop my keys on the entry table and take a step.. To my relief, her soft voice calls out from the bedroom.. "Archie?... Is that you?"

I cross the living area, calling out..

"Yeah.." Turning through the door my breath is stolen by the sight of her.. She is sitting on the bed, her slender legs folded beneath her. She's wearing one of my white T-shirts, and it drapes off one shoulder, exposing her smooth, creamy skin..
Her honey blond curls are wild and loose, pouring down her back and over the other shoulder.. "Fuck me.."

She blinks up at me, her notebook lays open on the bed beside her and I know she's been reviewing Alex's words.. Maybe for comfort, I know how much she loves that book..
Watching her, watching me with her sapphire eyes, rosy cheeks and pink lips, it's as though time slows to a stop.. Nothing else matters, because nothing else exists..
Honey is  my only.. She is all that there is and all that ever will be.. She's all I will ever need.. "You're back.." She eyes me carefully.. Her body practically buzzes with tension, but she doesn't get up..

"I am.." She just stares at me.. I know I have to talk.. For some reason I just don't know where to begin.. "Honey.." She tilts her head...Waiting for my mouth to catch up with my brain.. "I'm.. Grateful, that you came the other night.. Don't get me wrong.. I think it was batshit crazy.. But I'm grateful..I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.. I'm not proud of how I handled everything.."
I want so much to hold her against me, to smell her perfume, feel her warmth.. But she's giving me a pretty unreadable vibe right about now I don't dare.. I just take a small step farther into the room.. Closer to her.. "You loved me.. Really loved me, three days ago.. So much so, I think you were actually prepared to die for me.. Which again, is crazy.. But I'm just hoping that is still the case.."

Her lips part slowly.. Her kissable, full lips.. "What about.. What I told you?.." Her hand goes to her stomach.. "The baby?.."

I can see the anxiety on her features.. Had I really let the love of my life feel for a second like I didn't think her carrying my baby wasn't a god damned miracle.

I really am a dumbass...

I stride now over to the bed and drop to my knees on the hardwood floor beside her.. She twists her body around to almost face me, dangling her bare feet over the bed's edge.. I rest my chin in her lap and look up at her.. "I never thought I could be so lucky.. To have you is almost too much love for my heart to take.. This baby.." I kiss her belly through the soft cotton of the shirt.. "Our baby.." I kiss her again.. "Its fucking incredible..You've made me happier than I knew possible.. You've given me a life I never knew I needed Honey.." I straighten up to look into her aquamarine eyes, they shine with tears.. "But I do.. I need you.. So fucking bad.."

My gut tightens in knots as I wait for her to say something.. Anything..

"I don't want to be your weakness Archie.." She wrings her hands together..

I take them in mine and bring them to my lips, kissing them gently.. I echo some words of wisdom given to me years ago.. "You know.. Alex said something to me once..At the time I had no idea why.. But it always stuck with me.. He told me, 'being deeply loved by someone gives you strength but to love someone deeply, takes courage'.. I think I understand what he meant now.."

Her head jerks back as she looks down at me with wide, surprised eyes.. "Archie!" She gasps, making me grin.. Because yeah, that was some sappy shit, and Im not really that adept at all this emotional stuff.. All I know is the way she makes me feel is right..

Her hands fly to the notebook and she begins to flick through the pages rapidly , stopping on one and pushing it out toward me with a beaming smile..

I drop my eyes to the book and read the words on the page, written in her feminine looping cursive.. Alex's words, written next to a heart shaped sketch.. The same words that I had just repeated now.. Words that he had said to me not so long ago -ones that had stuck in my head, but I didn't understand until this very moment .."I can't believe you just said that!" She giggles and scoots forward, closer to me..

"Listen to me baby.. You could never be my weakness.. Because, you are my strength.. Just thinking of you motivates me.. To fight.." I climb up onto the bed, lowering my voice as my gaze travels all over her perfect body, drinking in the soft roundness of her womanly curves.. "and to fuck.."

She leans forward as if I am magnetic, her eyes never leave mine until the very last second when they drift close as our lips press together, igniting sparks that shoot through my veins straight down to my dick..

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