Chapter FIFTEEN: The Stupid

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Archer West

"Whoa, what are you doing baby?" I'm shocked by the suddenness of her movements and my cock aches with disappointment as she pulls away from me and gets to her feet, leaving my lust-heated blood cooling in my veins..
Like a woman on fire she glares at me through furious sky blue eyes, while her blonde curls cascade over her shoulders framing her flushing rosy cheeks..

For a moment I space out, struck dumb by the sight of her.. God, she's perfect.. Beautiful..

A second ago I had her in my arms, I was tasking her sugary sweetness and caressing her silky soft skin.. I had been about to make her mine, something I have been dying to do since the moment I laid eyes on her..
Now, I have no idea what the fuck is happening as she stands before me heaving and half dressed, looking like she's ready to slit my throat..

Okay, I'm not saying I wouldn't deserve it, but I would at least like to know what I've done to change things in the last few seconds before I die..

"Ugh! You God-Damned liar, West!" She folds her arms defensively across her chest, covering her peaking pink nipples, distractingly visable through the red lace of her bra..

Uh-oh.. Her use of my last name instead of the usual sweet nickname I've grown kind of used to, sets off alarm bells in my head.. Still, I can't help but notice the way her usually floral southern accent becomes far more pronounced when she is mad..

It's fucking adorable..
She's even more appealing when she's angry.. I'm not sure what that says about me, I'm sure nothing good..
So to keep from grinning, I arch a brow at her quizzically..
Sure, I've been omitting certain things.. But nothing I have just said to her is a lie,
"I don't understand, what lie, baby?"
I get to my feet and try to approach her, she looks furious.. Wild even..

It's hot as fuck..

"No, don't you 'baby' me!" She shouts, pointing a delicate finger at me, stomping by to the foot of the bed..

The smooth curves of her body bow temptingly as she bends with a stretch to pick up the notebook, the one I had been reading whilst waiting for her to wake up.. I had been looking for any clues in there that might help Specter with the investigation into Alex's death

Realisation dawns on me.. Shit.. I messed up..

Yeah... Women don't tend to love having their privacy invaded.. Which is basically my entire job description here..
"Honey, I had no choice.."
I don't feel great about the excuse, it sounds like bullshit even to me as I say it.. But I do have a job to do, a hard-ass of a boss to report to and a possessive need to keep the goddess before me safe, none of which is turning out to be easy..

"No choice!? What a load of crap, you must think I'm pretty stupid!" She laughs bitterly, throwing the notebook back down on the bed and turning away from me, like she is so disappointed that she can't even stand to look at me..
Fuck, that stings..

"I needed to be sure.. I needed to know if you knew anything, or if you didn't realise you knew something.." I'm flailing for an excuse here and she knows it..

She whirls around on me, eyes blazing, "Right.. Because between the two of us, I'm the untrustworthy one.."
I ignore her sarcasm, desperately fighting the growing urge to punch a hole through the drywall.. This whole situation is so much more complex than I can even begin to explain and for the most part the information is classified anyway!

I tamp down my frustrations, no stranger to life's injustices, I've experienced and seen more of it than any one man should..
So i'm beginning to get the sense this will be just another unfair due to pay that I can't prevent..
"I have a responsibility to-"

She cuts me off with a sigh as she leans forward, clutching her head, "God, just stop.. Please.." Her voice comes out tortured and hollow.. A lump forms in my throat as I shut my mouth biting back on all the things I want to say, waiting for her to speak..

"I only asked one thing of you, Archer.. Not to play games with me.. But you did it anyway.. You still are.." She gestures to the book with the wave of her hand, "I get it, it's your job.. You say all the sweet things I need to hear, because your little file tells you I'm sad and lonely.. You wormed your way into my life under false pretenses, all so that you could get your hands on.. Well, whatever the heck it is you're looking for.."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, frustrated..
I mean, shit, when she puts it that way, of course it sounds bad..
She lets out a shuddering breath, shaking her head as she continues, "Maybe I was lonely.. But, I had just lost somebody I loved very much.. So okay, I fell for this whole act the first time.." She wraps her arms around herself protectively, "But I would be a fool to fall for it again."

That last part comes out as more of a question to herself, as if she is still unsure..

I talk a small step toward her, carefully, so as to not come off as intimidating.. I'm very aware of the fact that my size can be off-putting, an ability I often use to my strategic advantage in the field..
"You won't even give me a chance to explain.." Holding my breath I take another small step, not that it would even matter if she did give me the chance.. I shouldn't tell her the whole truth anyway..
But maybe I don't give a shit about the rules when it comes to Honey.. Maybe I could just tell her everything.. Maybe this one time I could actually be honest about who I am..

"What would be the point?.. I don't have the answers you need, West.. So you can stop all this pretending.." She sits back down on the bed, a tired expression overcoming her pretty face, "And if you wanted to read my notebook, you know you could have just asked.."
She hold out the book to me with a defiant stare...

I take the notebook from her and toss it back on the bed.. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing in there that I need..
"Jesus, Honey.. That's not-- You're so wrong about this!"
I know she has every right to be angry with me, but that doesn't stop her dismissal from hurting, or the sting of her rejection leaving a sour taste in my mouth, "Just listen--"

"I'm done listening," She plants her elbows onto her knees and leans her face into her dainty cupped hands, "I just want to go home... Please.."

I'm furious with myself.. What the fuck had I been thinking?
I should've left the poor girl alone to begin with.. I should never have kissed her that night..
Now, because I'm weak, and I couldn't control myself, I've ended up doing the last thing I had wanted to do.. I hurt her..

Cracking my neck to one side, removing all traces of emotion from my tone and expression, I make a gut wrenching decision, one I should have made weeks ago..
Letting her go is the right thing to do.. She deserves to be with someone who can share everything with her, who makes her happy.. Somebody who can love her the way she should be loved, exactly as she is..
That's not me
"You can't leave the safe-house until we catch the hitman that was sent after you, and figure out why.. It's not safe for you, Honey."
At least I don't have to let her go just yet..

She looks up at me, I see nothing but anguish reflected back..
"Then I want you to leave.." She whispers..

"I promise I'm going to keep you safe." I make one last attempt to salvage anything from this conversational wreckage.. But its too late..

"Please..Just go.." Her voice cracks and shiny tears begin to roll down her cheeks..
It cuts me deep to see her so fragile, like an angelic porcelain doll, delicate and on the verge of fracturing under the pressure..

There is nothing I can say..
I'm a smart enough man to know when I've lost the battle and the look of pure disappointment set across her pixie-like features tells me she's finished with me..
Once this job is over, I doubt she will ever want to see me again.. I'll have no choice but to let her go..

And if that's what she wants.. Then that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now