Chapter THIRTY THREE:The Script

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Honey Sinclaire

With your eyes closed and Archer's perfectly handsome face fixed firmly in your mind, you feel strangely calm and accepting of what is about to happen... You imagine how stoic and brave he would be in your position and try to channel some of that energy now..

That is, until you hear Flynn's voice.. Gruff and loud as his shout reverberates.. "Asher, you rabid dog! That wasn't part of the fucking deal!"

A deafening CRACK rings out.

A whoosh of air glides past you as you open your eyes just in time to see Asher's lifeless body fall to the floor at your feet.

Squinting at Flynn you see the rusted pipe in his hand as he stands there, glaring at Asher's rumpled form..
He dusts off his jacket, muttering to himself.. "Fucking idiot.. Sticking knives in my eye.. Going off script.."

"Flynn?!" You stare over at him, mouth wide open, completely stunned..
He drops his arm and the pipe, it clatters to the floor with a metallic twang.. "Thank goodness! Oh my god, I thought..."
You let out a sigh of relief, watching him straighten up, lifting his t-shirt at the hem to wipe the grit from his face as he paces towards you..
He comes to a stop in front of you, looking down at you with a strange expression on his face.. "Help me with these zip ties.." You tug against the restraints..

He makes a move towards your ankles, crouching in front of you. He instead reaches into his pocket, and pulls out something small and shiny, holding it up to your face..

An inch long tie pin with a little "B" at the top..

You look at him, confused.. "What.. is.. that?"

He clicks his tongue disappointedly.. "Honey.. Tsk tsk tsk.."
Shifting his weight he reaches up and pushes your hair back off your shoulder, exposing your bare bruised neck.. "This really has nothing to do with you.. It is purely unfortunate circumstances that have brought you here.."

None of this makes sense.. The bloodied pipe beside Asher now on the ground .. The pin and now a cryptic speech from Flynn.. "What the hell are you talking about Flynn!? Untie me, please!"

"Alex stole something from me... Something you couldn't even begin to understand.. Something that was going to make me rich beyond riches.." He speaks flatly, as everything going on around you has no emotional effect on him.. A man devoid of all compassion, all feeling.. "Of course.. He'd thought he had stolen it from Asher.. At least, he did up until the point I shot him in the head.."

Searching his face, you know what he's saying is true... You can see the callus sociopath that he truly is, reflected in his dead eyed stare.

Looking over at Asher, you see he's eyes begin to flutter.. Flynn draws your attention back to him as he continues.. "I have no idea how Alex got access to my security encryption codes.. But he did, the bastard! I spent two years writing the most sophisticated encryption vault code ever created! ... And that son of a bitch used my own god damn code against me! For some reason, unbeknownst to me, he saw fit to give you the key. I've no idea why.."
Irritation twitches in his eye as he relives the knowledge that he had been bested by an old retired Marine.. "You are completely unremarkable.." He adds, his tone dripping with disdain.

The last of your energy is draining fast.. You can barely whisper the words.. "You.. You did all this.."

Asher groans and begins to roll onto his back, his hands lifting to the place his head now oozes blood.. "Grrraaaaammmmmpph..."

A muted buzzing sound comes from Flynn's pants. He doesn't take his contemptful gaze from you, pulling out a black cell phone and putting it to his ear..
"Bexley.." He answers simply, pausing a moment then turning to look behind him before quietly replying, "Da, spasibo."
He hangs up, slipping the phone back into his pocket and standing up in front of you. "I really should kill you now, before he arrives... But since I don't know if your little constellation theory is right.. I can't risk it.. And it's too late for me to leave.. So I guess plan B will have to do.." He looks up and down your carved and battered form.. "I think I'll leave you with this instead.. Just to be sure.."
As fast as the strike of a cobra, Flynn raises the little golden pin and plunges it into the tender tissue at the join of your neck and shoulder, and leaves it there.

"Nooooooo.. gahhh!" You try to plead but it comes as a strangled weak cry..
A piercing spike of pain bursts, you feel it everywhere; behind your eyes, travelling through your arms, your shoulders, your neck, spine and everywhere else.
You're heavy eyelids can barely remain open any longer.. Shock begins to overcome your system as the last of your body's reserves fade away..

Through half closed slits you see Asher begin to clamber to his feet, grumbling incoherently and moving like a drunkard.. He pulls a long nosed black gun from his jacket, waving it at you and Flynn, who is backing away slowly..

You hear the crash of a door being kicked open.. The shuffling of several pairs of boots, shouts of command fly back and forth...


Three loud gunshots, explode like lightning in the night air.

Somebody yells "Medic! Medic!" over and over again..
Others yell "clear! Clear!" all around you...

Then you hear it, the voice you have been waiting for.. Immediately recognisable and like a sweet melody to your ears..

Archer's familiar tone of authority stands out among the other voices.. "Secure the room!"
The sound stirring your hope as he calls out again.. "He's dead!"

Gentle hands cut away your ties, providing immediate relief to your tightly bound limbs.. Your exhausted, boneless body sliding from the chair, to be caught in a pair of warm, strong arms... His voice, soft and soothing, just for you, Archer purrs.. "You're okay.. I've got you baby.. I'm here.."

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now