Chapter TWENTY TWO: The Sister

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Honey Sinclaire

After two generous glasses of wine, both Yevette and yourself are giggling like silly school girls and she is spilling her secrets..
"So.. There's this new guy at the office, he started work the day after you ran off with the bossman.."

This gets your attention.. "Oh.. Do tell?"  You say playfully..

"His name is Patrick.. He works in marketing with Sam.."  She blushes bright red at the mention of his name, a shy grin plastered on her flushed face..

Okay.. No way, this definitely has to be a coincidence.. After all, you had only seen Patrick a couple of days ago.. Surely he would have mentioned this..
"Patrick, huh?" You ask, lifting the wineglass to your lips..

"Yep.. He's basically an Irish dreamboat.." Yevie giggles into her hand..

You cough, choking mid sip on your drink.. "Irish!?"
You can't believe him! What is he thinking?!

Fanning herself with one hand she adds, "Mmhmm.. Oh, and you should hear his accent.. Its practically foreplay!"

Well.. You know that's the truth.. His accent really is utterly panty-melting.. "Oh wow.. He sounds too good to be true.."  You caution her.. but you can't exactly blabber about Patrick..

Yevie rolls her eyes at your wary tone, "Well obviously.. I'm not going to act on it.. Its just a passing attraction, it'll fizzle out by the end of the month.."

You chew on your bottom lip nervously.. "If you say so.."

She rolls her eyes and gives you a sad smile.. "Besides, you know that I can't date anybody until... "

You do know.. You know too well..
Yevette's ex-husband, Zachary Ryan, is a very bad guy.. He used to treat her like his personal punching bag, until she broke free from him..

He had finally gotten arrested for assault, but posted bail, leaving him free to walk the streets until his hearing.. You know Yevette couldn't feel safe with Zach still lurking around..
You wince in empathy, "I know Yevie.. 'Im sorry.. Is there any news on that front?"

She shakes her head.. "Nothing yet.."

You reach for the wine bottle to refill both your glasses.. Yevette nods emphatically when you motion towards her glass, so you fill it to the brim.."It's all going to work out, I know that.. I just have to be patient." She smiles and takes a gulp from her glass to keep the contents from sploshing over the sides..

"Right. And in the meantime you can just perve on pretty Patrick." You laugh and make kissy faces at her, sending her into fits of giggles.

"Hey! If you're allowed to bang the brooding boss, I'm definitely allowed to perve on pretty Patrick!" She throws a cushion at you..

"Alright, alright.." You concede, "you're allowed!"  You laugh with each other before both pausing to regain your breath and gulp down some more wine.. Yevette turns to you..
"Hey..What do you think Alex would say about you dating his son?"

You freeze at her innocent question.. So many lies wrapped in more lies and you are beginning to wonder if you can keep it up.. "I.. Um.."
You think about the truth, how Archer and Alex were work colleagues and friends, but not father and son.. How Alex might have left you a key, ensuring that you and Archer would meet.. Maybe that is what Alex had wanted all along..

"Well.. Let's see, shall we?"
You sigh and slip from the couch to the floor drunkenly to crawl the few feet to your handbag. Pulling out the notebook you open it .. You clear your throat dramatically, and read the quote to Yevette.. "Only the heavens know the truth and what is in store for your future.."

Her eyebrows raise in surprise.. "That's... Poetic.. I didn't know Alex was so spiritual.."

"Well, he wasn't really.."  You pause, deep in thought..
Alex wasn't a religious or spiritual man.. At least not until the last few weeks of his life.. Is that the odd behaviour Archer was talking about.. Did it have something to do with the key?

Yevette interrupts your thoughts.. "I think he still would've gone all protective daddy on him.. Maybe threatened to break his legs if he broke your heart... He was old school like that.."

You laugh.. "You know Yevie, I think you're right."

You spend the rest of the evening just hanging out and enjoying your best friends company.. Before you know it it's 2am and you both need to get some sleep if you're going to make it to work tomorrow...

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now