Chapter FORTY:The Shift

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Honey Sinclaire

You step out of the car, your legs still feeling a little weary, but you do your best to keep your stride confident.. You don't want Archer to see you as weak..
As a weakness.

"Archie.." You breathe his name as you step into him, wrapping your arms around his waist. You know Jackson is still parked by the curb, probably watching but you don't care..

Archer stiffens at first, then slowly wraps his arms around you in return.. His warmth and heavenly scent envelope you.. It feels right to be in his arms, you fit together like two pieces of a bizarre puzzle.. "I missed you.." You mumble into the soft worn fabric of his casual t-shirt..

He presses his lips to the top of your head.. "I've missed you too, baby.." You gaze up into his eyes, feeling that same electric spark you first shared weeks ago, still burning.. Burning so hot he looks away, as if scalded..

He nods over your shoulder to Jackson, and you hear the ignition turn over and the tyres pull out and away.. "Come on, let's get you inside.." Archer holds the door for you and follows behind as you climb two flights of stairs before coming to another.. "It's unlocked.."

You push the door open and step inside.. The beautifully decorated loft-style apartment is much nicer than the previous bland safehouse.. "Oh, wow!.. Why didn't we come to this safehouse first! It's incredible!" You spin around taking it all in, admiring the artwork, the colours, the craftsmanship of the timber furniture..

He lets out a low velvety chuckle that gives you goosebumps.. "Because this isn't a safehouse.. It's my apartment.."

Your mouth falls open.. You look around with a new appreciation.. His home.. Where he lives.. Where he eats, sleeps and showers.. Where he can just be himself.. "Your apartment? I don't understand.. You were trying to break up with me the other day.. I know you were. Why would you bring me here?"

He lifts an eyebrow in amusement.. "Trying to break up with you?" His tone is mocking, pissing you off..

You frown, taking a step back and folding your arms across your chest.. "Don't! Don't you dare do that.." You lower your voice warningly..

"Do what?" He asks innocently..

"Don't act like I'm imagining things, or like there is nothing between us! I'm not an idiot West! If you don't want to sleep with me anymore because you're too afraid to catch feelings.. Or because you're no longer interested in me now that I'm all covered in scars... Just say so!" You heave in an angry breath, bringing your fingertips to your still healing cheek nervously..

A dark look you haven't seen on him before overcomes his features.. He grabs your wrist and pulls your hand away from your face, "You think I don't want you? I fucking crave you, baby.." He brings his lips crashing down onto yours, coaxing your mouth open with his heady kiss, the passion and heat bringing your mind to a complete standstill.. "Tell me to stop.. Tell me I can't have you.." He growls and the vibration sends shivers to your pulsating core.

"I can't.." You tip your head back and he begins kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin of your neck.. Small moans of pleasure escape you.. "Ohh, Archie.. More.."

"Fuck, Honey.." He grunts, his huge bulge stiffening at the sounds you make.. "I don't deserve you.. You know that right? You're too good for me.." He pulls back, looking deep into your eyes, you see the pain he hides away.. Standing up on tip-toes you press the softest kiss to his lips..

"You keep saying that you don't deserve me.. And maybe you don't.." You give him a coy smile.. "But don't you think that's for me to decide?.." His lips are on yours again, hungry..

He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his hips as he carries you across the apartment to the bedroom..
He sets you down gently on the dresser and peels off your shirt..

His eyes glow with anger when he takes in the half healed cuts and bruises across your body.. You feel him begin to pull back, so you hook your ankles together trapping him between your thighs.. "Hey.. Look at me.." You bring your fingertips to his angular jaw.. His gaze travels over your cuts, up from your belly button to your eyes, where they stay.. "I want this Archie.. I want you. Isn't that what you want too?"

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Where stories live. Discover now