Chapter 1

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-- George POV --

          "....." I continued to stare at the small figure who was now flying randomly checking what was on my computer screen.

          Why is this happening? I just came back to my room and open my E-mail then suddenly there is this thing in my screen!?? It just a dream, right? I thought as I kept staring at the little creature on my screen.

           "So..." Said the small figure suddenly and I came back to reality, looking at the small figure. I waited patiently for it to continue the talk. "Is there anything I can do to help you, sir?" Asked the small figure in an awkward tone, looking pretty uncomfortable being stared at. I immediately looked away and scratched the back of my neck, feeling the awkward atmosphere in the room.

           "I don't know. This is too sudden for me. I don't even know what you are. There is even a possibility that you're a malware or maybe a hacker in my computer." I said while I kept watching the small creature with suspicious eyes.

            "Ah yeah sorry, let me introduce myself properly this time." The small creature said with no care of the world. "First, I am an artificial intelligence. I was sent by my creator as one of his test subjects for this project. I was programmed to help whoever opened this E-mail. Well in this case it's you, sir. You can read that in the E-mail my creator sent to you!" It said while waving its arm animatedly to the browser tab. I checked the E-mail and re-read the message. It is clearly stated there about the purpose of this small creature's arrival.

Congratulations! You've been chosen as the tester for my Project! This Project will help you with your work. It doesn't need to eat and rest, since, you know, it's just a program. The Project can help you do whatever you want inside the computer. So have fun with your dream project!

           "So let me get this straight. You're gonna stay on my computer to help me... with stuff."


           "You're totally not going to scam me or anything, right?" I asked to make sure one again.

            "Yes, I am programmed to help, not to scam people, sir." I knew it rolled its eyes even though I couldn't see it.

             "Okay, okay. I trust you and can you stop calling me sir? It sounds so weird and uncomfortable. Especially if you're gonna stay for a long time here with me. Don't be so formal. Wait, I don't know your name either. I don't even know if you are a boy or girl. Hmn..." I stare at this small figure inside my computer.

             "W-whaaa??? Of course I am a boy! Look at my design. What makes you think I am a girl?" He couldn't contain his wheezes and laughed out loud.

             I smiled at the way he laughed. Somehow it's cute. What am I thinking? I tried to brush away what I just thought.

            "Yeah, yeah. Funny." I retored with a mocking tone. "So what should i call you? I didn't want to keep calling you 'small figure'."

            "I don't know." He shrugged.

            "What do you mean 'I don't know'?"

            "I think I am supposed to be named by you? Since you're kinda like my owner, sir?" He said with his voice full of hesitation.

            "Call me George. No more sir. It's weird."

            "Okay, George." He nodded.

            "Well then let's find what name suits you the most." I say while scanning his whole look. "How about yellow?"

             "What? Why yellow? I don't like that name. You're so random, George."

             "Y-you are literally using a yellow hoodie and being sparkled with yellow! How dare you say it's random!!" I stuttered, trying to defend my opinion.

             "What?? My hoodie is not yellow! It's green, you idiot."

             "Ah... Sorry I'm colorblind." I said awkwardly while scratching my back neck. "I have protan colorblindness so I can't really see red-green color."

              The atmosphere turned into a strange, awkward silence.

              "Ow.. Ah no no it's okay. Sorry I don't know about that." He said in a guilty tone.

             "It's okay. Well then how about Green then?" I asked as I tried to revert back to the topic.

             "No! Can you stop giving me names based on my look? Why are you so obsessed with it!"

             "Well I can't help! I don't have any ideas!"

              I continued looking for inspiration for my little friend on the internet. But nothing was suitable for the both of us.

             "Why it's so hard just to give you a name?" I mourned as I closed my web browser. I opened my E-mail once again to check maybe there is some clue from the creator about this small figure name.

             "Because you have a bad taste at giving names?" he mocked. I rolled my eyes at that response, annoyed.

             Suddenly I saw one word that caught my attention. "How about Dream?" Say me carefully and still read the E-Mail.

            "What?" He looked up, the name caught his attention.

            "Here your creator said something about 'my dream project' right? Why don't we just name you Dream? Do you like it?"

            "...Well I think I do."

            "Well it's decided! From now on you're Dream! Let's see what you can do in the future, Dream."

            "I will do my best to help you, George." He declared, his smile appeared to be friendly and gentle.

~Word Count : 908~

I will received a request for you who want to see the moment where Dream as AI and George as his partner. If I find I can write it inside of my story I will put it with the story so feel free to request. Just leave the request on the bird comment below.


~Ruby Feynix~

My Dream Artificial IntelligenceWhere stories live. Discover now