Chapter 5

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-- George POV --

          It has been two weeks since we're stuck together. My life had become very organized and easier. I even had a regular sleep schedule alongside a food diet routine. I would sleep around 11 PM and woke up around 8 AM naturally now, thanks for the stupid loud noise by Dream for a few mornings before. I cooked my own breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Dream's guidance, discovering the fact that I enjoyed cooking or even baking. I never thought that I would have a new hobby like this.

          We became so close that we would feel pretty uncomfortable to be separated from each other. Whenever I streamed or needed to record a challenge video with Sapnap and my other friend, Dream would get so bored that he looked like he would die from boredom, since he couldn't talk with me or really did anything besides watching me playing. But he never annoyed or bothered me even when he was bored. And for me it was so hard to not speak to him during the live stream. I was very used to doing things together with Dream. I was also not good at multitasking but ever since Dream came, I could easily tell him to help me with other things. It saved a lot of time. I never coded alone again since Dream could easily help me with that. Basically it felt like we were getting more attached to each other. Currently, we were enjoying our time together, watching movies on my television.

          "I wonder how are you spending your time in your house everyday before I come here.." Dream suddenly muttered in the middle of the movie. He was sitting inside of my television screen.

          "Hmm? What do you mean?" I asked while laying on my couch while still focusing on watching the movie, relaxed.

          "I know that you knew what I mean." Dream said staring at me. I tried to ignore his stare and continued to watch the movie.

          "Forget about it, Dream. It's not important. Look you miss the important scene." I tried to change the subject but unfortunately it didn't work.

          "No." Dream said, pausing the movie. Now I couldn't run anymore. "Tell me, George. I know that humans need work to get money to pay for their life stuff." Dream somehow looked impatient while trying to pry answers from me. "No way... Are y-"

          "Stop. I know what you are going to say, but no. I never did a crime and never will." I said while sighing.

          "Okay.. But still that doesn't explain anything." He complained while crossing his hand to his chest.

          "Can we like, not talk about this?" I asked in a small voice, hoping that he would drop this topic.

          "No. I want to know you better. I already said that I care about you, George. Please just tell me. I don't wanna know your Information from searching or hacking." That caught my attention.


          "Because I want to hear it from you. I want you to explain it to me clearly. I want to know you more. Is that wrong?" Dream asked, now looking sad. Somehow, I could feel my heart stung from his sad tone. Even though I didn't want to, I couldn't bring myself to turn Dream down.

            "Alright.." I sighed, defeated once again. "I will tell you everything you want to know.."

            "Really?? You will tell me everything??" He asked while looking at me in disbelief, pretty surprised that I gave up so quickly.

            "Yeah. You can ask me anything, after all there is nothing i can do." I replied while crossing my legs on the couch. Might as well get comfy since this topic will take a pretty long time to end.

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