Chapter 13

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-- George POV --

          "Dream, you okay? Are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" I asked while staring at Dream's back, worried. The moment I finished live streaming with Sapnap, I immediately went to the living room where Dream was, since he had always been there waiting for me if he wasn't on my phone or computer nowadays. But it had been 20 minutes and Dream still didn't want to talk to me, or even see me at all. "Dream?"

            Dream kept facing away from me, no response to my questions, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

          "Dreeaam.... Come on, talk to me. I won't understand what the problem is if you don't tell me," I tried to convince him, still clueless. Again, no answer.

          I was not sure why he suddenly acted like this. He had never been like this for the past three weeks since I knew him. Dream that I knew was always happy and supported me in every situation with his warm encouragement, he was also the one who teased and flirted a lot to embarrass and make fun of me. But I didn't really mind all about that, I was surprisingly enjoying his antics, flirting and teasing included. Which was pretty weird, since I didn't enjoy any moments when Nick teased me at all. But that wasn't really important at least for now.

          There had always been these side effects around him, depending on his mood. If there were sparkles around him, it meant that he was excited. But right now, I could see some kind of dark aura surrounding him, which I guessed was an indication that he was in a bad mood. Dream never ignored me like this, it looked like he was really in a bad mood. Knowing that he was in a bad mood made my thoughts spiraling out of control, anxiety and fear began to rise to my head. 

         "You know that you can always trust me, right? You know I will always listen to you... Please, just talk to me," I pleaded. "Please, I'm sorry if I make a mistake. I only have you and Nick in my life right now. I can't lose any of you. I don't want to lose you." I pleaded, holding in my tears and sobs that were threatening to come out.

         I could see his shoulder tense up when he heard my stutterings. He noticed that I was trying to hold in my sobbing, which made him panic. "No,no. It's not your fault at all, George."

         "Then what is it?"

        "It's just nothing.. I just don't feel well," He said, trying to calm me down. But I knew that he was lying. We spent so much time together these days, so I knew him well enough to know when he was lying to me.

       "Stop lying, Dream. You trust me, right? Please tell me what's wrong? I-It hurt when you ignored me, Dream." As I stuttered out the last sentence, I sobbed accidentally, which broke the dam immediately and the tears started falling.

       "I'm so sorry, George. I will tell you but please don't cry." He panicked, his worry and care drove my bad thoughts away.

        Maybe he does trust me but just doesn't know how to say it.

        "Then tell me, Dream. What happened? Is it my fault?" I asked shakily, trying to stop my tears and sobs.

        "No. It's not your fault at all, George. It just me being dumb." He bitterly mumbled, his voice laced with self hate. I didn't like the way he answered at all.

        "Stop it, Dream. You're not dumb, and you know that. Don't hate yourself, I will do that if you start doing it too." I noticed days ago that Dream didn't like when I said anything bad about myself, hopefully he would also realize that I felt the same way as him about that matter. And it looked like my theory was true from his panicked voice.

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