Chapter 20

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-- George POV --

          "Hey, Bad." I greeted him on the phone. "Umn.. Sorry if I made you wait for quite some time. I need to check on something first." I said while entering my room and closing the door.

           "Hey. It's okay, George. I also needed to sneak out from Skeppy first. He is taking a nap right now. His sleep schedule is so messy." Bad sighed.

           "You two are so cute together, I swear." I laughed while shuffling to my bed. I made myself comfortable by sitting there, because I was sure this would be a really long talk.

            "Can't deny that. I am so lucky to be with him."

            "No, you two are so lucky to be with each other." I corrected him. "Both of you have a totally opposite personality but fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Your relationship is everyone's relationship goals, and that is not a lie."

             "Aw.. Thank you, George. You're such a nice muffin. I hope you found the one for you too." He said genuinely.

             "Yeah.." I mumbled. "I hope so."

             "What happened? Is there anything wrong?" He asked, worried.

              "Ah, no. Everything's fine, Bad." I noticed that I accidently made Bad worry because of the way I talk. "It's nothing big, really." And I still don't understand my feelings yet. He wasn't even a human. I sighed. I should focus on comforting Bad.

             "Are you sure?"

              "Yes, Bad. I promise that I will tell you next time after I sort it out and ready to tell you about it." I tried to assure him.

              "If you say so. Remember your promise, George!"

              "I will." I laughed when his worried tone changed into an excited one quickly.

              "So.. How are you, George?"

              "I'm fine, I guess?" I remembered all the stuff that happened for the past week. "There's just... A lot of stuff that is happening in my life right now."

              "Uh huh.. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked softly.

               "Umn... It just feels like I'm being blindfolded. I don't know which steps to take, and which directions to choose. But," I smiled softly, remembering all the good memories that I spent with Dream. "I can say that I enjoyed every second of it. So I say it's a good thing."

               "Yeah? That's great, George."

                "Yep. There are so many new experiences that I've never thought I would ever happen in my life. I realized that I need to step out from my comfort zone, which I'm glad that I did. I made a lot of good memories from there on. There are a lot of people who care and love me, I realized. I have become more grateful with my life lately because of these events."

               I remembered when I met Dream for the first time. The anxiety and the panic that rose because he came out of nowhere into my life and tried to improve my lifestyle. I remembered the times where I was stubborn and ended up in silly debates for hours with him. It was such a silly move because I knew that I can't ever win a debate with him, especially because he has so many logical facts in his 'brain' since he is an AI. Or he could just start annoying me with a random and loud voice which hurt my head. He also changed my view of the world and people surrounding me. I started to open up with Nick and now with Bad. I sometimes wondered how and why I easily trust Dream and get attached to him.

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