Chapter 14

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-- George POV --

          "Do you wanna start a Youtube channel together with me?"

          "Huh?" He looked up again at me, still trying to understand what I asked. "Do I?" He asked back which made me laugh out loud.

          "Why did you ask me back? You're so silly, Dream." I laughed harder seeing him like this. I had not seen him being this confused as long as I knew him. "Nick wants to talk with you so badly and keep demanding me to introduce you to him. So I thought, why not invite you to play with us, too?"

          "Huh?" Now he doubled back, confused. "Why?"

          "Eh.." I laugh awkwardly. "I accidentally talked about you to him since, you know, my life wasn't very interesting before you came. So I basically tell him what happened between both of us. Not the AI part, calm down." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and somehow shy too.

          "You talked about me to Nick?" Suddenly Dream was surrounded with sparkles, pretty excited about the topic all of the sudden.


          "Aww.. That is so sweet of you. Thanks, George!"

          "You're welcome, I guess?" I replied back. My heart started beating fast seeing his happy smile. Ugh.. Why do I feel like there is something inside my body that makes me feel weird? I can't explain what it is. Hah.. I need to forget about it and go back to the topic. I coughed a bit to clear my mind.

          "Do you remember three weeks ago when we first met each other I said that I want to start my own Youtube channel?"

          "Uh huh.. I do remember that." He nodded slowly as he paid full attention to me.

         "I have actually been planning that for two months ago. But I just never have courage to do that since you know.." I coughed a bit once again.

         "Yeah I guess I know the reason." He smiled knowingly and laughed. "So let me guess. You want to start it but you're still not sure if you can make it by yourself without being awkward so that's why now you want me to be there and accompany you?"

         I nodded. "I mean, you will always be there for me, right?" I asked him hopefully.

       "I do say that and I don't mind about that at all. Of course I happily help and company you, George." He gave me his bright smile, sparkles popping around him.

        "Great!" I clapped both of my hands, getting pumped up myself. "Now that you want to do it, we need to think how to make that happen. Like how your voice is going to work when we record it eventually? Will it sound like you play beside me or can we set it up so it sounds like we are having a call like how I did with Nick?"

        "I can program that so it sounds like I talk on a Teamspeak or Discord call. That is easy work for me." He said proudly.

        "That sounds great! I can't believe that I can start playing with you on my livestream now! This is amazing! We should've thought about this sooner." I sat down with a sad smile on my face. "If only I have this idea sooner, you won't feel lonely and bored like this."

         "It's fine, George. It's not your fault at all. You don't know how happy and grateful I am right now that you give me a chance to spend more time with you and even help you with your channel. Thank you so much." Dream said, sending me another big smile.

       "I guess we should thank Nick for that, since he is the one that kind of gave me the idea."

       "I guess so. Did he really want to talk with me?" He asked curiously.

       "Yeah. It's because he reads me like a book." I sighed. "He figured out that there has to be someone that helped me to open up to him. I kind of lied and said that you're my new neighbor. I trust Nick, but this is your secret and I will keep them so you can tell him yourself if you want to. Besides, I don't want to put both of you in danger."

       "Thank you, George." He smiled softly. "I'm sorry that you need to lie but I really don't know whether it's fine or not to tell other people about me being an AI beside you. I haven't been able to contact my creator since I got here." Dream explained to me while sighing.

       "Oh, you don't have to talk to Nick if you don't want to, yea? I can say you're just busy or whatever if you don't want to, no pressure or anything."

       "It's okay!" He surprisingly refused my offer immediately. "Uhh, sorry, but I really want to know him. I want to join your conversation and gaming time too, if you don't mind." He admitted quietly with flowers surrounding him.

          Aww, this guy is so adorable.

          "I don't mind at all! It will make me happy seeing all my best friends having fun together. We can even make videos together too!" I suggested excitedly and I could hear Dream laughing at my other suggestion.

          "Yeah, sure, why not. I just hope I can get along with Nick." He said nervously.

          "I'm a hundred percent sure that both of you will get along fine. Another reason why we are starting my youtube channel first before you meet each other; you can practice on how to speak and play as naturally as possible. Even though in my opinion, you are fine, and the difference is that you need to be known as my new neighbor."

         "You're right actually. This is gonna be easier than I thought."

         "And we can go through this together like always."

        "Yeah, of course." With that, we smiled at each other.

        "So, want to practice now? I think I actually already have the plugin for a challenge. We can start recording it today if you want to." I offered excitedly. 

        "What? Like, right now??" He confirmed.

         "Uh-huh.. What's wrong with that?"

         "No, it's just... Actually forget it. Let's do it right now! I can't wait to record the with you! This will be fun! Let's goo!!" As soon as he stopped jumping around giddily, he went away from my television screen.

        I laughed seeing his sudden mood change and started to make my way back to my room as I heard his voice calling for me from there.

        "Come on, George. Walk faster!"

         "I'm going, I'm going!" I laughed again at how impatient he sounded. This was going to be a big step for both of us, but I couldn't wait to see what this would bring us to in the future.

~Word Count : 1138~

I will received a request for you who want to see the moment where Dream as AI and George as his partner. If I find I can write it inside of my story I will put it with the story so feel free to request. Just leave the request on the bird comment below.


~Ruby Feynix~

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