Chapter 19

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-- George POV --

          It has been two weeks since we recorded and uploaded the second video on my Youtube channel. Right now, I was laying in my bed, relaxing while scrolling through my Twitter Page. Dream was currently in the living room, joining Nick's Twitch livestream. I wanted to let them have their moment together and got closer, so I said that I won't be joining them this time. I was relieved that they got along so fast and well. It was pretty surprising, since it even took me quite some time to trust and talk about things besides Minecraft with Nick, and ask for help and support from Dream. Seeing both of them, the most important people in my life, having fun and getting along with each other really makes me happy.

           "I should have cut all the parts where Dream begged me to say that word." I grumbled as I saw a lot of fanart of Dream begging me for saying 'I love you' on the Twitter. It was not like I didn't like it, but it just made me feel embarrassed. I didn't feel annoyed at the fanarts, instead I liked seeing them. I didn't know, this feeling was confusing.

          I kept scrolling through my Twitter, liking some of the fanart and replying to some of the tweets. Then I saw one specific tweet that caught my eyes, a tweet from Bad.

           It's been awhile since I heard of him. Me and other MunchyMc admins were taking good care of his server. He had been offline on his own server since the last time I talked to him, too. He did say to all of us that he was volunteering to take care of children with special care and needs for a couple of weeks, but it's been a month and we have not been hearing anything from him. We got really worried. Since me and Callahan were the closest with Bad among all other admin, both of us tried to contact Skeppy and A6D, his closest person in his offline life. We didn't think contacting Bad personally was a good idea, since he was probably busy and we didn't want to bother him.

            When we asked them in the teamspeak, both of them sounded hesitant and seemed like they were trying to hide something. But they promised that Bad was okay and he just needed some time alone for a while. We were hoping the best for him and trusted what they said. Afterall, all they were his bestfriends, Skeppy and Bad even started dating and was moving in with Bad for almost a year now. Only me, Callahan, A6D, and Skeppy's bestfriend like the iDots and Mega know about this. They weren't ready to publicize their relationship yet, especially to their viewers, though all of us know that it would be alright. But it was their decision and we respected it. So we let it go and did our best to take care of Bad's server. That was the best we could do to help him.

           But it was easier said than done. The truth was, I'm really worried about Bad. We might not talk a lot but I still see him as my friend. After what I had been through with Dream and Nick, I was really considering getting to know him better.

            I had known Bad for around 4 or 5 years already. At that time, I was still in college and played minecraft in my free time. One day, I tried to put a little change into the game by changing the code. It was pretty easy to do since I took IT Major and I had learned a lot. The more often I changed, coded, and tested it by myself the more I realized that I enjoyed doing it and wanted to share it with other people. I decided to take it more seriously, making the plugins and applying as one of the developers in a lot of Minecraft servers. Then I got into several interview calls on several servers, one of them was from MunchyMc, Bad's server. In the end, I was chosen and accepted as a MunchyMc developer and that was how I met Bad.

            Dream noticed that I was worried about Bad. He kept distracting me and reassured me that Bad was going to be alright since Bad had Skeppy and A6D to take care of him. Dream guessed that Bad went away from social media because he didn't want to worry or freak out about him being away for a while. Dream also said that it might be a personal life problem, encouraging me to calm down and believe in them to come back. Hearing it made me calm down for a bit, which was pretty good in his book. And it sounded like Dream's theories were pretty close, since I got a notification from Bad's Twitter.

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