Chapter 3

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Well today is the day. I'm moving out to Milwaukee to begin my new life as a mom and live with Christian. "Mom, why are you even crying right now?" I asked as we were hugging in front of the airport. "Because you're moving halfway across the country and I don't know when I'll see you again." She said and I laughed. "Mom, you can come anytime you want, I already told you that. We'll be having a gender reveal party when it's time so you and dad can come out for that. I love you and I don't want you to miss out on things." I said. 

"I know it just sucks that now all my children are out of the state and away from me. This is going to get really expensive." She said and I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright mom, I gotta go now, I'll talk to you later. I love you." I said and hugged her one last time before walking into the airport to go through security and bag check. 

As I was sitting waiting for my plane to board, Christian started calling me. "Hey there all-star, I'm just about to board so what's up?" I asked. "Well that's what I was calling to ask if you had boarded yet, but you just answered my question." He said and I laughed. "Why couldn't you just text me that?" I asked. "Well I wanted to hear your voice alright?" He said and I smiled. "Alright fine, I'll take that as an excuse. I'll see you soon alright? My plane lands at 4." I said. "Alright I'll be there to pick you up." He said and we said our goodbyes and I lined up to board the plane. 

I can't believe that I just picked up and left my home that I've known all my life to go and live in Milwaukee with a MLB player that actually likes me and wants me to have his child. A few hours later, I was touching down in Milwaukee more nervous than ever. 

I turned my phone off airplane mode and there was a text from Christian. Hey there, I'm waiting downstairs for you by the baggage claim. I smiled and texted him back. Okay, my plane just landed, I'll be down there. I sighed as I walked off the plane and navigated my way down to baggage claim. I searched around for him while walking to get my bag, and you could spot him out of any crowd. He's the tallest one and I couldn't help myself but smile when I saw him and he smiled as well, I think that's a good thing.

 I walked up to him and he took me into his arms and hugged me. "I'm so glad that you're here and safe." He said and I smiled. "I'm glad I'm here too, let's get my bags and go home. Wow, that seems so weird to say to you." I said and we both laughed. "Yeah this is the first time I've ever let a girl live at home with me, feel special." He said and I laughed. We grabbed my two bags and went to his car. 

"So how are you going to drive when you're out here? Are we going to get you a car or?" He asked as we were now driving to his house. "Mine is being shipped out here, it should be here within the next couple of days. I have to get a new license and license plate this week." I said.

 "I can't believe that you're here and that you're pregnant and that I get to experience it with you. I was hoping you would let me be a part of it." He said. "Why wouldn't I? You're the child's dad, I don't want my child growing up without a father, that's just not right." I said. "Well, I mean it was a one night stand and neither of us were hoping that you would get pregnant. I'm an MLB player, a lot of us do one night stands, but you're different. You're someone that I want in my life, even if it was just as a friend. But now, you're more than that. You mean a lot to me and you don't even know it." He said and I smiled and grabbed his hand. "You mean a lot to me too, more than you'll ever know." 

Stuck With You -Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now