Chapter 8

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We are now back in Milwaukee and things have been going great. My parents were amazing with the first couple of weeks, especially when I needed a shower, or when I needed help with breastfeeding, my mom was amazing with that. 

Ashley also came out for a week to spend some time with the three of us. I was surrounded by amazing people and I couldn't be more thankful for all of them. Today was the first time that Tori and I were going to go out to the ballpark to watch Christian play. 

She was such an amazing baby that we thought I could take her to meet the rest of the wives and so that I could get out of the house and have some adult interactions. It's going to feel great to get out and ya know, enjoy time out of the house. Even though I'm breastfeeding, I know that my daughter is my biggest blessing and there's no way I would ever fault her for me staying home a lot, but I miss the baseball games.

 I got her dressed after her nap, which was when I got ready and put her in her car carrier and went off to the stadium. "These are my two favorite girls." Christian said as he saw us walking through the parking lot. We went up to him and I gave him a kiss and the fans started making noises at us. I chose to ignore them like I do every other time, but one of their comments actually stung me this time. "I can't believe she trapped Christian into having a baby with her, what a freaking gold digger." I sighed and we walked into the stadium. 

"I know you're thinking about what that guy said and you didn't trap me. It was a mutual decision to have sex and create our little girl, if not it was me who did that more than you." He said and I sighed. "I know, it just doesn't stop hurting once someone says something. It's not just him, it's everyone on social media, they keep bashing our daughter, not even us." I said sitting down on the couch in the family room. 

"I know babe, we'll get through this I promise. You'll be sitting with the wives today so you'll have them to have your back, and they get rowdy if someone bashes one of them. They don't hold back on their words, trust me." He said and I laughed. "You always know how to make me smile, and for that I'm thankful for you." I said and he smiled. "Now go on and enjoy yourself, have a great time with the girls. They're going to love Tori." 

He said and I stood up and went up to the seats where all the wives were. They were all in awe of Tori, all they did was want to hold her and let me have a minute, or twenty without holding her. "How is everything going since you two announced?" Travis Shaw's wife asked me. 

"I mean, it's been good. Most of the fans are super supportive and write nothing but positive things, but then you have those who just tear you down for everything that you think you're doing right. It just sucks sometimes because I really only have Christian." I said and she smiled and hugged me. 

"I'm going to give you my number because I don't want you to feel left out from all of us, you're one of us now." She said and I smiled. "Thank you, you really don't know how much that means to me!" I said giving her a hug. When I looked down to the field I saw Christian looking up at us and smiling. Right then and there, I knew that I was meant to be here with him and our child. 

Stuck With You -Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now