Chapter 21

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I cannot believe that a year ago today I was in labor with my little Jaelynn and today she is one. This makes me want to cry tears of sadness and happiness because I love watching my babies grow, but not too fast. I have decided that I am going to call Ashley today. 

I haven't come to that decision lightly but I know that this is what I need especially if our friendship is really over. My mom and dad were over and the rental hall getting it decorated for the party while Christian and I were home making some of the desserts for the party and some food. "Babe, I'm going to call Ashley, will you be good here?" I asked and he smiled and nodded his head yes. 

I grabbed my phone off the counter and went up to our room to call Ashley. "Hey stranger." She said as she answered the phone. "Hey there, how is everything going?" I asked. "Uh well, I mean as good as they can." She said. "I heard that the wedding got called off, my mom told me. What happened there?" I asked. 

"Well I ended up cheating on him and I ended up getting pregnant, kind of like you did." She said and I was kind of shocked to be honest. "Oh, with whom do I know him?" I asked and it was silent on the other line. "Was it Nick?" Again, radio silence which solidified the fact that it was Nick. "Honestly, what were you thinking?" I asked and she sighed. 

"I mean I don't know. I was drunk and I was missing you my best friend and the closest thing I had to you was him so it just kind of happened and I'm happy raising this baby on my own now." She said. "When are you due? Do you need anything? I can send you some stuff?" I asked. 

"I'm due in two months. No, I don't need your pity help with anything. I mean yeah you can send me some stuff, I'm having a boy. I was supposed to have a baby shower, but basically all of my friends were Alex's so they stood by him when he called off the wedding. I don't blame them either. I screwed up." She said. 

"No you didn't, you were drunk, you didn't know what you were doing. You would've only screwed up if you stayed with him." I said. "I didn't do that, I'm not that stupid. I watched how he treated you for years, I didn't want to put up with that. But that man is going to have a lot to pay in child support though between me and his other baby momma." She said. 

"I'm just glad you didn't say more than one baby momma, I mean I wouldn't be surprised but ya know, I was hoping you were the only one having his baby, currently." I said. "I missed talking to you, how is everything going there?" She asked. "I missed talking to you too. Everything's been good, the baseball season didn't go as planned as Christian tore his ACL the first game of the season, went through rehab and couldn't play. Mom and dad got a divorce and today is Jaelynn's first birthday." I said in one breath. 

"Wow, I mean sorry to hear about Christian's injury and your parents divorce. Did you take a side on the divorce?" She asked, that is weird that she asked that. "No I didn't really. I mean I let my mom move in with us but I still talk to my dad and he's here for the party." I said. "Well that's good that they can get along in front of everyone and for their grandchildren. I have to go, I have an appointment soon, it was great talking to you, we should do it more often." She said. 

"Yeah it was great talking to you too, and yeah we will." I said and we hung up. I walked back downstairs to where Christian was now decorating cupcakes and taking cookies out of the oven. "So how did the conversation go?" He asked. 

"Oh it went good, she's pregnant, with Nick's baby." I said and he looked at me funny. "Are you serious? Now that's funny." He said with a laugh and I smacked his shoulder. "I mean you're right it is kind of funny but it's not at the same time. This is the second person he's gotten pregnant and just left. I mean she's happy he's not around, but what he's doing is not okay." I said. 

"Aren't you glad you got out of that relationship when you did?" He asked. "Yes I am, and I'm so thankful for you for that and Tori too kind of." I said and we both laughed. We finished everything and got the girls ready and went over to the hall. "Oh my god, mom, dad you guys did amazing!" I said giving them both hugs. 

"Thank you sweetie, we would do anything for our grandchildren. Now tell me how did the phone call go this morning?" My mom asked pulling me aside to talk. "It went good, she's pregnant and that's why the wedding got called off." I said. "Who got her pregnant?" She asked. "Ha, funny that you ask. She was drunk one night and had sex with Nick." I said. 

"No freaking way, what goes around comes back around. Karma is awful." She said and I couldn't help but laugh. I watched all day as everyone came and loved Jaelynn like she was their own. I couldn't be more thankful for the friends that we have here in Milwaukee and I hope that Christian never leaves.

Stuck With You -Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now