Chapter 25

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I went into preterm labor last night and the twins are definitely on their way a month earlier than Christian and I expected, but I was so ready to be done being pregnant with them. Christian was in Arizona for Spring Training so he hopped on the first flight home to Milwaukee to be with me. I'm so glad that the MLB let's the players do that for their wives. 

I don't know what I would do if Christian wasn't able to be here with me through all of this. Christian should be landing any time now, so my mom and the girls were here with me while I was waiting for him and then they will go home and get some rest. 

"Mommy I don't like seeing you in pain." Tori said coming up to me and hugging me. "I know you don't sweetie, but this is life when you get older, I'm bringing your baby sister and brother into this world, it's kind of a miracle." I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. 

"I know mommy, I can't wait to meet them!" She said and I laughed. I couldn't wait to meet them too. By the time that Christian got there I was already 7 cm dilated. "Took you long enough." I said to him as he walked through the door, don't worry I said it with a laugh as well. "I know I know, I'm sorry, but I'm here now." He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Things progressed as time went along, but I wasn't able to push yet. 

"Well it looks like we are going to have to do a C-section, the boy is not budging or turning to make his way out and we don't want to harm either of them by forcing them to come out naturally." My doctor said after doing an exam. I sighed and looked at Christian and he gave me a warm smile which I took as a 'you can do it' smile. 

I know I could do it, it's just that I hadn't planned for a C-section but I had a feeling it was going to come down to it when I wasn't progressing to push. The doctors and nurses then went up to set up the OR for me and get me and Christian ready to go in there and deliver the babies. 

About twenty minutes later, I was in the OR and they were already performing the C-Section getting ready to get those babies out. Five or ten minutes after they had started the operation I heard the cries of the first baby. "Who is that?" I asked, letting some tears fall and Christian looked up and I could see him smile behind his mask. 

"Graham." He said and I cried some more. Our first little boy, I couldn't believe it and then I heard the cries of our little girl. I couldn't believe that I was a mother to FOUR now. It seems crazy to think about, but here I am, doing it all. I'm only 27 so I still have a few more years left in me having kids, also if we keep having kids, we are going to have to keep building new houses and whatnot. 

Speaking of, our house is still being built, we are now at the part of installing all the electricity, air conditioning vents and plumbing. Then they will start putting in the floors and putting up the walls and painting them and then the kitchen appliances will be installed and then it will finally be time to decorate the interior which I can't wait for. 

I know that my mom is going to love the guest house that we built for her, we are actually building two bedrooms in there so whenever Tori gets old enough and she wants some space to herself, or we run out of room and need hers for more kids. "I love you with all my heart." Christian said as we were now back in our room with the twins for a few minutes before the nurses have to take them to the NICU since they are still small and need to be checked out. 

"I love you too Christian, thank you for giving me this amazing life and all these amazing kids. I can't thank you for saving me from that horrible relationship that I was in for the longest time and I needed to get out of it and Connecticut." I said to him with a smile. 

"I can't thank you for showing me what it was like to feel real true love and to give me all of our babies. I love being their dad and I love being your husband." He said coming over and giving me a kiss. "You're stuck with me now." I said and he laughed. "Yeah, and you're stuck with me too."

"THEY'RE HERE! A month early but they're here

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"THEY'RE HERE! A month early but they're here. Meet Carolina Nicole Yelich (5lbs 4oz 19 in) and Graham Maxwell Yelich (6lbs 4oz 20 in) born on March 15th, 2024. I am so in love with these two, I didn't think my heart could grow for two more babies to love, boy was I wrong." 

"I'm beyond blessed to already call these two mine

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"I'm beyond blessed to already call these two mine. Carolina and Graham are here, March 15th, 2024. I'm so blessed to have the both of you and your mom too. She's the real MVP here. We're all doing amazing and can't wait to get home to Tori and Jaelynn."

Stuck With You -Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now