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Hey guys its me. (obviously it me but whatever).

Okay so i piratically hated the story by the way it was going so I'm changing it up, a lot.

        - For example instead of a Carl Fanfic I'm changing it to a Daryl Fanfic. 

But I'm keeping the story line relativity the same except for a few parts.

        - For example Skylar is now 21 instead of 14 cause that's kinda creepy of you think about it.

And like i'm gonna have a few surprises for you guys so i advise you not to read this around friends/family/etc. or have any food or drinks in or around you while reading. I don't want to be responsible for you guys choking or spiting out your drinks onto your phones and what not.

But yeah this story in my point will be like 32% better then the previous one so yeah i hope you enjoy it! Plus i'm gonna throw in a couple celebrity guest stars in there so be prepared. And i might kill them off (i will) and i'll probably be crying doing it but yeah enjoy, again! 


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