Mean Girls AU (iconic moments)

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I was gonna do the musical but I thought this would be fun doing first. Had to use this one cause it's shorter and I might skip some parts cause yes. I don't own Mean GIrls, by the way.


On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was! 

"iT's OctOber 3Rd." stated Susan to Chad


"That is so fetch!"

"Ramune, stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen." stated Yui.


"You look really pretty." Yui told Susan

"Thank you."

"Do you agree?"


"Do you think you're really pretty?"


Susan, Emi and Alex were in class and they decided to introduce themselves.

"This is Alex, he's almost too gay to function." said Emi.


"You wanna do something fun? You wanna go to Taco Bell?" asked Vivi

"I dOn'T wAnnA gO TO tAcO BELl iM oN An All CaRb DIEt! GoD ViVi You ArE so StuPId!" yelled Yui.


"He's your cousin!" Ramune told Vivi when she found out she was trying to go out wIth hEr COuSin-

"Yeah but he's my first cousin."


"So you have your cousins, and then you your first cousins, and then you have your second cousins-"

"No... Honey-"

"That's not right is it?"


"HEY GET OUTTA HERE!" yelled a girl to Alex

"oH mY GOD dAnnY DEvITo i lOvE yOuR WoRK!" he chased the girl.


"That's against the rules. You can't sit with us." stated Vivi bluntly

"Whatever! Those rules aren't real!" Yui justified her actions of wearing... Sweatpants

Vivi looked offended.

"They were real that day I wore a vest!" she then exclaimed

"Because that vest was disgusting." 

"YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US-" yelled Ramune


"mY bReAsTs Can aLWayS tElL wHEn iT'S goNna rAin-"


"On Wednesdays we wear pink!" stated Vivi


"You know what! It's not my fault that you're like in love with me or something!" yelled Susan.

"WHAT?" yelled Emi in rage.

"Oh no she didn't-"


"Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? What's so great about Caesar? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar! Brutus is just as smart as Caesar! People totally like Brutus as much as they like Caesar! AND WHEN DID IT BECOME OKAY FOR ONE PERSON TO BE THE BOSS OF EVERBODY!? BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT ROME IS ABOUT WE SHOULD TOTALLY JUST STAB CAESAR!" stated Ramune, probably having issues.


"AND I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!" shouted Alex to Susan.


"Hi this is Vivi Smith! And there's a 30 percent chance that it's already raining."


*skips the plastics intro cause meet the plastics can just cue*


"I'm a mouse. Duh."


"So cute..." Susan accidentally blurted out behind Chad, while everyone stared at her.


"Oh my god I love your skirt! Where did you get it?" complimented Yui

"Uhhh it was my mom's skirt from the 80s" answered random girl

"Vintage!" So adorable!"


Yui turned to Susan. "That was the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen."


Well yeah I skipped some parts. Totally doing the whole musical after Chad's Diary however.

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