IV. Father troubles

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The drive home from that hellhound of a school was quiet.
By the time we got back to Mackenzie's apartment I came to the realisation that I didn't have a place to stay.
I doubted that Lauren and Hayden would come find me anytime soon, not after my quick escape from the police.
That reminded me, I needed a phone.

We walked up the stairs towards Mackenzie's apartment and waited while she fiddled with her keys trying to find the correct one.

She opened the door.

As I stepped in I was in awe. Even though she lived in this dodgy area, she managed to find an apartment half decent.

"You got a nice place"

"Oh thank you! My dad got it for me" she responded

"Where are you staying?" She asked me


"Oh I just moved into New York so I haven't actually got a place yet"


"Well I've got a spare room here if you want to stay?"

I exchanged a look with the blonde haired girl. Emily? I think that's her name

I could tell she really didn't want me to stay with Mackenzie, but I don't really care ;)

"Yes thank you. That's really kind of you to offer"

"But Kenz, what about your dad?! He'd be really annoyed if he found out you were living with a guy"

Of course Emily had to stick her nose in and discourage Kenzie

"I guess but he's out of town for at least 3 weeks! It'll be fine"

"Where's your dad?" I asked, genuinely curious

"Oh he's just away at the minute because some guy recently broke out of prison or something and he needs to find him"


"So he's part of the police?" I asked

"Yeah he's the chief"


"Oh really??? That's uh-cool"

Panic washed over me. What if he came back unexpectedly and saw me?! I'd be in deeeeeep shit.
But I can't let her suspect anything

Plus it could be kinda fun ;)

"Well if your still up for it I'd love to stay"

"Yes! I'll show you to the spare room" she excitedly responded

I followed her through the corridor.
I suddenly found my eyes scanning her every movement. Her everything.
From her foot to her head I carefully watched.
The way her legs softly moved, one after the other. The way her leggings hung onto her curves and her hair that drapes so gently underneath her shoulders. When the wind blew the hair off of her neck, I was exposed to a whole new world. Damn. She was perfection

"This is the spare room! Well your room now haha"

"Thank you! Your...really kind" I responded

"KENZIEEEE" There was a loud shriek from the living room


"I'm going to head out. Will you be okay here?" She asked

"Yeah I'll be fine especially since I have a new roomie hahah" Kenzie joked

Before leaving Emily looked me dead in the eye. As if she was warning me not to try anything, but not gunna lie she didn't look very threatening.

Emily left and Mackenzie and I were alone. Together.

"Oh I'll show you my room by the way! Follow me"

And so I did. I followed.

When we opened her door her room was cute and small ish

"This is it!" She exclaimed

I peered around. She had a lot of books, clothes and other random stuff. But one thing caught my eye.

A picture frame next to her bed

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A picture frame next to her bed.
A picture of her boyfriend.

"So you have a boyfriend?" I asked while picking the picture up

"Yeah his name's Ashton"

"Where is he?"

"He's just in Hollywood with some friends"

Well he's a cheater. Any guy who says with friends is clearly covering something up

"Hm well I'm a bit tired, I'm going to go to bed if that's okay?" I said

"Don't you want dinner?"

After being in prison and avoiding eating that slop they prepared, id forgotten about the pleasure of a home cooked meal. Well any cooked meal.

"No I'm okay thank you I had a big lunch. But thank you, night Kenzie"

"Okay night Johnny!"


A.N) hey!! I tried making this a little bit longer so I hope it was okay ❤️ thank you!

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