Chapter 1- The Beginning

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"Y/n, time to wake up."

My eyes fluttered opened, I yawned and turned to the door, seeing it was one of the maids.

I signed I'm getting up. The maid understood and closed the door on her way out.

I put on my Northern Water Tribe clothes so I can look more presentable instead of wearing my sleeping attire. Today was a special day for Yue, she recently turned 16 and our father has made an arrange marriage.

The outfit that I wore was similar to Yue's, but the color scheme was different. I covered up the hand print scar on my neck with a blue wrap, kinda like a choker.

"Y/n? Are you up?" Yue walked through my door, well my curtain door. "You look amazing Y/n! Do you want me to do your hair?" She asked me. I nodded and sat down on my little bench next to the bed. She styled my hair the way that she usually does whenever it was a special occasion.

"Do you like it? You look so beautiful."

Yue is the most amazing sister I could ever have, even if we're not related. She always took care of me and even helped me with Water Tribe Sign Language.

Beautiful, Thank you.  She hugged me and held my hand.

"We have some visitors today, they're from the Southern Water Tribe and the Avatar is here!" She explained.

We walked down the ice stairs and went outside, seeing that a boat was waiting for us.

We hopped in the boat with Yue on my right. The boat drifted towards the front, and that's where we saw our new visitors. A girl that looks like a couple of years younger than me, a bald headed kid with an arrow on him, and a boy with a wolfs tail that looks about my age was here.

The water tribe boy was staring at my sister, he looked like he was in love with her. Already dude? You haven't even met her fully. Yue looked at him and I could see her face turning red, oh no not her too. Plus she already has a fiancé. Even though we're both 16 only she gets an arrange marriage because she's the actual princess, I was adopted into it, so technically I don't have royal blood and I don't have to do that, which I'm thankful if I'm being honest. I do feel bad for her though, she's only a kid.

The boat turned around and headed to the other direction. Where are we going? I signed to her.

"I'm not sure, probably back at the house for me to prepare myself to be a wife." I can tell she looks hurt. I held her hand and squeezed it, mentally telling her it will be okay.


Night time arrived, it was time for the dinner celebration. Yue and I sat together, sitting next to Yue was the watertribe boy, his sister, and then the Avatar. I was sitting on the end of the table since I don't like social interaction, not like I can interact anyway.

"So, you're a princess." The boy was talking to Yue.

She giggled, "Yes I am, so is my sister."

Yue doesn't believe that we're step sisters, once she found out I was adopted into her family she said that we're blood. I'm not even a real princess and that bothers me, of course I can't tell Yue that it bothers me though.

"Back in my tribe I'm sorta of a prince myself." He smirked. His sister overheard his conversation.

"Prince of what?" She laughed.

"Shut up Katara! Anyway, what's your names?" He turned to us.

"I'm Yue, this is my sister Y/n."

I waved to him.

"Sokka, and how come you're not speaking? Are you shy?" He talked to me.

I looked at Yue, she can always tell how i'm feeling by looking into my eyes, and it goes for both ways,  it's like a secret talent that we have.

"Y/n is mute, she can't speak because of a horrible accident. She's also adopted into the family-"

I grabbed her hand, hoping she wouldn't tell anymore. I hate it when people bring up my past, it's something I want to forget. I'm not mad at her, even she doesn't know how I feel about my past because I can't explain it to her. Even sign language can't explain my feelings, it's something you have to talk about.

"-I'll just stop there." Yue said. I sighed in relief. She always overshares because almost her whole life she didn't have anybody to talk to.

"That's cool! I wish I was adopted into the royal family. Say how about we do a...activity?" He was talking to Yue, which made me feel a tad jealous.

"An Activity? I would love too, can Y/n come with us?"

Sokka looked at me, I tilted my head down so it wouldn't feel awkward.

"Sure! That'll be great! I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Our father announced Yue's marriage, Sokka was shocked to find that out. Yue had to leave and be on stage. Sokka turned to me, "If you're 16 how come you don't have to be in an arrange marriage?"

My eyes wided, he actually wants to talk to me, even if he wants my sister. But I doubt he knows Sign Language.

Not blood related, I don't do traditions

Sokka looked confused. "I'm sorry I never learned sign language, maybe Katara does."

"Maybe Katara does what?" Katara turned around.

"Do you know sign language?"

"A little bit, why?"

Sokka then explained to her about how I'm mute and how i'm adopted into the royal family. He asked her if she can read this, I repeated myself again.

Not blood related, I don't do traditions.

"I think she said something about not being related and that she doesn't do traditions?" She questioned. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Oh yeah that makes sense, I need to learn sign language." Sokka said.

"Are you a waterbender by any chance?" Katara asked me, should I tell her the truth? My adopted family knows I'm a waterbender and goes to those stupid healing lessons. Girls aren't allowed to fight, but secretly i've been going to the classes and hiding out there, I watch the lessons and go teach them myself at night. That's why I usually sleep in late because I'm up all night teaching myself, but my adopted family doesn't know that I know how to fight.

I nodded my head once more.

First chapter down! please let me know what you think so far!
Also check out my ATLA Oneshots!

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