Chapter 4- Moon

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It's Zuko. I haven't seen him since he got banished. He looked at me and the wave of realization went across his face. Before he could say anything to me Katara got in front.

"Ready for another fight?" Katara glared.

"It's not going to be much of a fight." Zuko bended fire at her but she blocked it.  I stayed back with Yue, protecting her since she can't bend anything.

Zuko was heading for Aang, before he took him I made ice around his feet, preventing him from walking. But his hands is harder to block.

"Y/n?" Zuko melted the ice and tried hitting me with his fire, I blocked it and tried freezing the lower part of his body. He never knew that I got burned and ran away, so this is going to be interesting.

"How do you know Zuko?" Katara questioned, still trying to fight him.  Zuko got out of it and tried setting the place on fire. Katara and I couldn't see due to the smoke, once we got rid of the smoke Aang was gone.

Are you okay I signed to Yue.

"I'm fine, why did he take Aang?" She asked Katara.

"I have no idea, and you still didn't answer my question," She pointed to me.

I'll explain later

Before Katara could answer Sokka busted through the door.

"I finally found you guys, where's Aang?"

"Zuko took him, we need to find him before it's too late. Aang is in the spiritual world and without his body he'll be lost." Katara said.

We heard footsteps coming towards us. Katara, Sokka and I got in a fighting stance.

Two guys busted in the warm place, I couldn't see them that well, but once they got closer I knew exactly who they are.

"Y/n? After all these years I finally found you!"

It was father.

"General Zhao, how do you know her?" Iroh questioned.

"Because Iroh, shes my daughter, she's the one who ran away 3 years ago."

"Your dad is the general?" Sokka said. Katara hit his shoulder.

I never wanted to see his face again, I don't want to be here. I backed away from him.

"Still can't talk? I see that you covered up that scar."

He walked up to me and grabbed the cloth, unraveling it from my neck. I glared at him, not trying to show any other emotion that will make me look weak.

Sokka and Katara looked at my neck, they both gasped.

"What happened to your neck?" Katara said.

"Oh she didn't tell you? Oh right she can't talk. 3 years ago she tried running away. So I punished her."

"I had to get away! You've been hurting mom and I!"  I screamed out.

"Oh shut it!"  He grabbed me by the neck, and I could feel heat coming from his hand.

"Please! Don't do this!"

"I have no choice."

My eyes locked into his, I hated him so much. He forcefully grabbed my neck and started getting flashbacks. I winced, not ready for this.

"You burned her?" Sokka questioned, his body language told me he was angry, furious, he wants to hurt father.

"I had to teach her a lesson." My neck felt hot, he's going to hurt me again. I began flailing my arms, trying to hit his hands.

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