Chapter 7- Secret Tunnel

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"Hey somebody is making a bonfire!" Chong said.

"That's not a bonfire, that's the fire nation." Katara replied. "We need to go in the tunnel."

We agreed and walked in. The light from the opening was illuminating the whole cave. We heard a voice from outside.

"Don't worry about going in, the tunnel will kill them." Right after they blasted the cave, making rocks fall from our only way out. It was immediately dark.

"We have some torches!" Chong lit up 1.

"How long does those torches last?" Sokka said.

"About 2 hours."

"And if we lit up 5 that'll be 10 hours!" Lily lit up 5 torches and that pissed Sokka off.

"That's not how it works!" He took them from her hand. "I'll make a map of all the tunnels we've been in. Eventually we'll find a way out."

We started walking North, the nomads behind us was still singing some songs. I wouldn't have mind them singing because I love singing, but since my voice isn't qualified for that I hate everything about singing.

"We've been walking for hours! Sokka are you sure we're going the right way?" Katara complained.

"Yes! I'm good at maps. But the cave keeps messing me up. I think the tunnels are changing."

"Changing!" She yelled.

We heard a rumble, the place was shaking beneath our feet. I stood next to Sokka, just in case if I get lost. The rocks above us fell and I immediately got pushed back by the wind of air. Whenever the rocks fell there was a barrier between us, blocking the light  and since we didn't have the torches that the nomads and Aang have, it was pitch black.

I can't sign in the dark, nobody can understand me, and if I get lost I can't cry for help. I mean I sorta can but it hurts and it probably damages my vocal chords even more.

"Where is everybody?" Sokka shouted.

"Katara and I are on the other side of the rock wall, we're by ourselves." Aang yelled back.

"And we're on the other side too!" Chong yelled.

"Is Handsy with you guys? It's dark where I'm at."

Dark? I'm with Sokka!

"Who's Handsy?" Aang said.

"Y/n, is she with you guys?"

I started walking to the voice, I tripped over something and fell on top of a soft surface.

"Nevermind I found her." He groaned. I got back up, I signed sorry but he didn't see me.

"Okay I have a plan." Sokka said. "Keep talking and we'll follow your voice. We can't see because it's dark in here, we don't have torches. Y/n can't sign in the dark either."

I held onto Sokka, my arm around his arm.

"So what's your plan to get out of here?" He asked me. Are you serious? "Right...Can't talk."

I realized the Nomads singing was faint, we've gotten farther away from them. I tug on Sokka's sleeve, "What?"

I can't tell him, maybe he noticed it?

"We need to find a better way of communicating. 1 clap for no, 2 claps for yes."

Oh jeez.

"We're completely lost. There's no way that we're gonna find them in the dark." He let go of me and he sat down somewhere. I sat down but was  accidentally on top of him. I quickly got off and sat beside of him.

"I'm assuming you signed sorry, right?"

2 claps for yes.

"We're doomed."

We heard some yelling in the distance. It sounded like Katara and Aang but I can't tell what they're saying. I tug on Sokka's sleeve again.

"I hear it too. Hey! Keep Yelling!" Sokka yelled, but it stopped.

It didn't work, we're going to be stuck down here forever. I hugged my knees.

I thought about what Chong said, you need to trust in love. But Sokka and I aren't dating, he doesn't know that I have a small crush on him. What if we kissed? No that can't be it. Plus how am I supposed to tell him that?

"Do you have any idea on how to get out of here?" He asked me, his voice seemed tired. I don't know how he was sitting because it's dark, so I can't read him.

2 Claps for yes.

"What is it? I know you can't sign but just do anything to try to talk."

I put my hand on his cheek so he could face me, I picked up his hand and touched his lips, then making his hand touch my lips.

"What? You want us to kiss? Are you serious! In a time like this?"

I signed sorry but it's no use.

"I mean it doesn't hurt to try I guess." I felt him move, he positioned himself to where he was right in front of me. He put his hand on my cheek, making my head closer to his. I can feel his breathing on my skin, just an inch away from us.

"Do you want to?"

2 claps

Our lips closed the gap, it was the most satisfying feeling i've ever felt. We didn't pull apart right away, our kiss deepened as seconds went by. I felt his hands in my hair, our bodies getting closer.

We pulled apart whenever we saw lights illuminating the tunnel, it was these blue-green diamonds making the light. We looked at each other and quickly stood up. Not saying anything, no words and no eye contact.

We should follow it

"I don't know what that means but you lead the way. If that's what you're saying, if you're saying about what just happened then don't talk about it."

Fair enough. I grabbed his hand and we followed the diamonds, leading us out of the cave.

When we got out we saw everybody, including the nomads.

"What took you guys so long?" Katara said. Sokka and I exchanged glances.

"We got lost, but we found a way out."

She looked at me and then back at Sokka.

"Mmm right."

"Well everybody, lets go to Omashu." Aang said.

Sokka and I haven't spoken since then.

Thank you for over 100 reads! And thank you for all of your support!

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