Chapter 10- Blind Bandit

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We arrived in Gaoling Earth Kingdom a couple of days later. We were looking at all of the different shops that were opened. There was this one place selling bags that I really want. I tugged on Sokka's sleeve, grabbing his attention.

"What is it Handsy?"

I pointed to the bags.

You should get that

"I'm sorry I don't really understand. Do you want that bag?"

I do but I don't want him to know that. I pointed at him and then the bags.

"Oh I should buy that? Yeah it does look fashionable. I should get it."

Sokka went and bought the green bag. He kept it for himself but one day I'll "borrow" it from him.

"This bag better be worth it." He laughed.

We stopped at an Earth Bending class for Aang, he went inside while the rest of us waited outside for him. The necklace that I had with the spiritual water was shining from the sun. It was really pretty to look at all of the different colors that it reflects.

"How come you don't use that water to heal your vocal chords? I mean it'll work right?" Sokka questioned. I have thought about it but I decided I wasn't going to use it for my personal use.

I don't want to


I want to use it on something important

"Your voice is important! It won't hurt to try to use it on you. Besides you can almost create some auditable noise."

"Sokka she doesn't want to use the water for her own self. She already told you that." Katara said. I smiled sheepishly at her, Sokka just crossed his arms.

The doors opened with a bunch of kids running out, we saw Aang but he didn't look too happy.

"How's Earth bending class?" Katara asked with some hope in her voice.

"I don't think i'm going to find an Earth bending master here." Aang said with a sad look on his face.

These 2 kids walked out, hitting each other and laughing.

"I wonder who The Boulder is going to beat today!" One kid said.

"He's going to beat everybody at the Earth Bending match!" The other laughed.

Aang started talking to them. "Wait where is this competition?"

"It's in Nunya, None ya business!" The older one high five the younger boy while cackling up.

"Whoa ho, that's a good one." Sokka laughed. I elbowed him. "Ow what was that for?"

"I know a way to make them tell, a girl has her way with words." Katara smirked. "Oh boys!" She ran off, leaving the 3 of us.

"This bag is useless! Why did you make me buy this bag?" Sokka complained.

I like it

"Of course you do...Fine just have it."

You're the best

"Again, I only know simple words."

He knows the most complicated words yet doesn't know the word Best? Or You're? That situation gave me a flashback from where Yue first taught me Sign Language.

"Okay, lets start with 'Hello, I'm Y/n, how are you'" She signed the words. I tried copying her but only got some of it right.

"It's okay, you're doing great! I'm sure you'll be the best in no time."

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