Chapter 3- Waterbending and Body Language

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"I can't believe you've been practicing water bending! Only men can do that." My step dad argued.

Pakku told them this morning. My step-parents weren't too happy about that, and they were pretty mad that I wasn't wearing my dress.

I'm sorry

I started to tear up but quickly wiped it away.

"We adopted you into this family and we told you there's some rules. You didn't follow them." My step-mother put her hands on her hips.

"We're going to take you in as our step-daughter, you seemed hurt. We would love to have an extra daughter." The woman said.

"But we have some rules that you have to follow, but don't worry about them."

I love them, they took care of me for all these years, but I hate how they think.

"You're not allowed to leave this house for a week." Step-father said. I sighed, I knew he was going to tell me that. But i'm not going to listen either.

They left my room and I waited for about 30 minutes, and then snuck out. I climbed out of my window and made another ice slide, I slid down and started running for Master Pakku's class.

I went through the doors and saw Katara and Pakku fighting, she was really good for somebody who barely knows how to waterbend.

"Y/n! Where were you?" Sokka yelled, he was sitting on the seats next to Yue.

Being scolded

"I have no idea what that means but come up here!"

I shook my head, I need to fight Pakku.

"Ah so we're here again." Pakku said.

Katara was laying down, catching her breath. I studied Pakku and his body language, I know exactly what he's going to do next.

I made the ice to block his feet from moving, before he got out I picked up the water and made it wrap around his arms, so he couldn't move them.

But he quickly got out of it. "You're good for somebody who's not supposed to learn."

He whipped my legs, making me fall on the ground. I used my legs to make the water surround him, squeezing his body. He was struggling to get out of it but gave up, I let the water fall.

"Go Y/n!" Yelled Sokka. A smile crept on my face.

Pakku walked up to me, but he wasn't going to try to fight me, instead he bent down and picked up a necklace.

"That's mine." Katara called out. She grabbed it from Pakku's hand.

"I made that necklace." Pakku said.

"That was my grandmother's necklace, she gave it to my mom and my mom gave it to me."

"I made that for her, but she never married me. Instead she ran away. Both of you girls come here."

Katara and I exchanged glances.

"You two are very skilled, I'm surprised. I have changed my mind about certain things. You two made me realize that women can handle water bending and can be powerful, and I will teach them."

I clapped my hands in joy and hugged Pakku. After letting go and walked back to the seats I saw Yue and Sokka talking to each other. Yue walked away, I looked at Sokka in a confused way.

"She's fine. Do you want to go somewhere?"

Like what

"Again, I don't speak hands, but let's go." We walked out the place and he led me to this one place that was far away from everyone else. I don't think I've ever been here before.

"You're a really good water bender, I'm surprised."

Thank you

"Hey I know that one! How do you sign 'you're welcome'?"

I put my hand on my chin and took it off, more in a fanning way.

"Like this?"

He copied me and he did it right. I smiled and nodded my head.

His body language was a little hard to understand. He seemed happy to be with me but he looks curious.

"Can you teach me some other stuff? Like...oh no." He stopped.

Black stuff was falling from the sky.

What is this

"It's sute Handsy, a mixture between smoke and snow. The Fire Nation is here."

Oh no. I never want to hear those words again. Also Handsy? Is that a nickname for me because I use my hands to speak? It also sounds dirty to be honest, but I don't think he knows that.

"Don't worry, I'm here. But we have to go back."

I dramatically shook my head no. I don't want to go back, and he knew what I meant.

"I know you don't want to face your parents, but we have to go."

He grabbed my hand and we ran. I'm hoping Yue is safe somewhere.

Sokka found my step-dad, and he looked extremely angry.

"Seriously? You snuck out again?"

"Mr, Y/n snuck out because she was doing something good, she changed Master Pakku's ways. And your step-daughter is an amazing water bender. But the Fire Nation is here, they probably want Aang. We need to fight them."

"I'll deal with you later Y/n, and Sokka, come with me."

They both left and ran somewhere else. I tried looking for Yue but I can't call out to her.

"Y/n! Behind you!" I turned around and saw Yue running towards me, she grabbed my hand and we headed to the other direction.

"We're going to find Katara and Aang, they're gonna need our help." She said.

They were on top of the bridge, we got to there and caught our breaths.

"I need to speak to the spirits." Aang said.

"But how?" Katara questioned.

"We have the most spiritual place ever here, we can show you." Yue leaded us to the door that wasn't so far away from here.

"It's in here." She opened it and it was so warm in here! I did sneak out a lot but I never found this place. I heard of it before though, that's how Yue got her life.

Aang sat next to the pond, meditating away. Katara, Yue, and I just sat around him, protecting him from any people that would hurt him.

"Look who we have here." The three of us jerked.

It was Zuko.


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