Chapter 15- Serpents Pass

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I was so cold, the wind and snow blowing on my face. My throat is still burning, my neck stings, my fathers handprint will always be on my neck. Land ahead. I pulled the boat to the land, the ice doors blocking my view. I got off the boat and pushed them open using water bending. The people that was inside looked at me. It looked like they were about to fight me. I felt faint all of a sudden, colors swarmed my vision before I ended up falling in the cold snow.

I woke up with a gasped. That memory that I had happened 3 years ago whenever I first ran away. I got up and got dressed into my normal water tribe clothes. Today we were going to Ba Sing Se, which is some hours away from where we're at.

We all gathered around and walked to the train station to catch a train to Ba Sing Se. The station was maybe a 30 minute walk, which isn't that bad compared to our walk in the desert.

"So what did you mean when you said you liked both?" Sokka said, he looked down and didn't make eye contact, he crossed his arms. He was definitely jealous. I touched his arm so he could read my hands.

I like boys and girls


Don't worry

"Alright, I didn't know you could like both."

"We're getting closer to the station." Aang said, he was still hurt and upset.

"I'm hungry." Sokka complained.

"You just ate." Katara replied back.

"Okay and?"

Aang turned around. "Can you guys be quite for one minute? I wish all of you were offense Y/n."

None taken

We arrived at the Station. We waited in line, waiting to get tickets.

"Next." Said the angry woman.

"We don't have tickets, but we need to get to Ba Sing Se." Aang said.

"No ticket, no train."

"But he's the Avatar!" Katara said.

"Yeah so are they." The woman pointed to everybody else that was dressed up as Aang.

"Long time no see." A girl with short brown hair was talking to Sokka.

"Who are you?" Sokka got in a fighting stance.

"You don't remember me? I helped you fight remember?" She smirked.

"Suki!" His eyes lit up, I never saw him like this before. He doesn't get all that excited when he sees me.

They both hugged for quite some time before letting go.

"How have you been?" He asked her.

"I'm great! What about you? Oh I see that you picked up another person." She looked at me and smiled. I gave her a small wave.

"Oh yeah, that's Y/n, she's mute." Sokka said, his excitement has calmed down when he mentioned me.

"Nice to meet you. So Sokka, we have a lot to get catching up on." She stood with Sokka.

We got out of line since there's no way that we're gonna get on that train. There was a couple that wanted to get on the train, the woman was maybe around 9 months pregnant, she was going to pop soon. But just like us, the angry woman refused to let them use the train.

"You could go through Serpents Pass." Suki said to everybody.

"Will that lead us to Ba Sing Se?" Aang asked.

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